
Graduating Students and Alumni are strongly advised to read the contents in this site for actions/information pertaining to their conferment, i.e., graduation.

Generally, NUS students’ status can be categorized in the table below.

Category Definition
1 Current Students Students who are still active in their respective programmes.
2 Graduating Students Students who:
  • passed their final examinations;
  • fulfilled their graduation requirements; and
  • are awaiting official conferment/awarding of their degrees/graduate diplomas.
Graduating students are only considered as “graduated” after they have been officially conferred/awarded.
3 Conferred/Awarded (i.e. officially graduated and are Alumni) Students who have officially been conferred/awarded their degrees/graduate diplomas.

Please refer to the ‘Degree Conferment’ tab below for the different conferment periods.

Degrees/Graduate Diplomas are conferred/awarded throughout the year.

A student will be conferred/awarded when he/she has completed all necessary requirements pertaining to their respective degree(s) or as stipulated by the University. The different conferment periods as follows:

Category Conferment Date / Period
1 Graduate programmes:
  • Graduate Coursework
  • Graduate Research
  • Master of Medicine
  • Graduate Diploma
At the end of every month, as and when students complete all necessary requirements.
(Note: Some Coursework programmes may have specific/fixed conferment dates. Please check with your respective programme administrators for any queries on this.)
2 Undergraduate degrees (excluding BDS and MBBS degrees)
  • 31 August (end of Special Term); or
  • 31 January (end of Semester 1); or
  • 30 June (end of Semester 2)
3 Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)
  • 31 January; or
  • 30 June (Main cohort)
4 Bachelor of Medicine,
Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)
  • 31 January; or
  • 30 April (Main cohort)

Graduating students (refer to ‘Type of Student Status’ tab above) should note the items in the table below to facilitate their graduation process.
Item Important Action / Information
1 Apply for Graduation (AFG)
(Note: This item is applicable to Undergraduate students only.)

When an undergraduate student in a modular faculty expects to graduate at the end of a particular semester, he/she must ‘Apply for Graduation’ (AFG) during the period stipulated by their College/Faculty/School.
(Note: The graduating status of semester 2 graduating students will be reflected in the Student Status Letter (SSL) from mid-February of their final semester. Students may self-generate the SSL via myEduRec. Click here for a step-by-step guide.)

If the student does not AFG and is not approved to continue with his/her undergraduate degree programme, the home College/Faculty/School will complete the AFG process on his/her behalf.
Final Semester’s Results The final semester’s results will only be reflected on any transcript from the 11th calendar day after the day of results release. During this period, graduating students may print their results from myEduRec. 
(Note: Graduating semester 2 students’ transcripts will not be available from 21 to 30 June to facilitate graduation processing.) 
3 Interim Proof of Graduation


Graduating students may self-generate a Student Status Letter (SSL) from myEduRec upon release of their final examination results as an interim proof passing of the graduation requirements and awaiting official conferment of degrees. Please refer to the resources below for more information:
4 Conferment Details on Degree Scrolls and Official Transcripts Conferment details will only be reflected on official NUS documents such as the degree scroll and official transcripts (electronic or otherwise) after a student has officially been conferred/awarded.
Maximising your Student Life Transcript  The CCA Record through the NUSYNC platform documents your student life in NUS. It centralizes and captures your CCA involvements in your Student Life Transcript. It also doubles up as your supporting testimonial. As such, please update your CCA records in NUSync before conferment of your degree.

Graduated students will no longer be able to login to NUSync using your NUS-ID 30 calendar days from your official conferment date.

  • It is imperative that students update their involvement and validate their event participation promptly.
  • If there are errors in students’ CCA record, please follow the steps here; or send your enquiries to
  • No amendments will be made to students’ CCA record in NUSync or on the Student Life Transcript after their NUS-ID is terminated.
Students’ Official Name  The ‘Official Name’:
  • Must be the same as what is reflected on a student’s NRIC or Passport at the time of conferment.
  • Will be printed on official documents issued by the University (e.g., your degree scroll and transcript).
Name changes must be carried out before you are conferred/awarded. The University does not normally change the official name once a student has been conferred/awarded.

Please click here to update your change of name. As a guide, students name change should be carried out by the following periods:
Category Date
1 Graduate programmes:
  • Graduate Coursework
  • Graduate Research
  • Master of Medicine
20th of the month students are expected to be conferred/awarded their degrees.
2 Undergraduate degrees (excluding BDS and MBBS degrees) 20th of August (Special Term), January (Semester 1) or June (Semester 2) students are expected to be conferred their degrees on.
3 Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) 20th of January or June (Main) students are expected to be conferred on.
Bachelor of Medicine,
Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) 
20th of January or April (Main) students are expected to be conferred on.

Conferred/Awarded students (refer to ‘Type of Student Status’ tab above) should note the items in the table below for their further action/information where appropriate.
Item Important Action / Information
1 How will students be notified of their official conferment?  Students will be informed of their conferment status via their NUS lifelong email accounts within 3 working days from their official conferment date.
2 What documents will be available to students to prove that they have officially graduated?  The following documents are available:
  • Self-generated Student Status Letter
  • Electronic Degree Scroll and Official Transcript
  • Hard-copy Degree Scroll and Official Transcript
  • Certification Letter
3 NUS-ID Accounts, NUS Lifelong Email Accounts and Credit Balance Please note that:
Category Date
I NUS-ID Account Students’ NUS-ID account will be terminated 30 calendar days after their official conferment date.

  • note you will no longer have access to various NUS systems such as myEduRec, online storage (e.g. OneDrive) and TEAMS after the termination.
    (Note: Students may still access myEduRec, for a period of time, to register their attendance for their Commencement ceremonies.)
  • ensure you have backed up the files retained in your OneDrive, if applicable, and
  • contact should you encounter issues with the access.
II NUS Lifelong Email Account Students’ NUS email accounts are lifelong.

Students who wish to update their personal particulars or reset their NUS lifelong email password may do so by:
  • Clicking here to update particulars.
    (Note: Updating of particulars is for Office of Alumni’s database. The official name on official NUS documents such as the degree scroll and transcript remains unchanged from the point of conferment.)
  • Clicking here to reset email password.
Please refer to Office of Alumni Relations’ FAQ for other Alumni related queries.
III Credit Balance Students with credit balances in their accounts are to ensure they have updated their Credit Bank Account details in myEduRec so that refund can be processed.

Should you encounter any issues, please contact the Office of Finance by submitting a request here (do remember to provide your Student ID).
4 Cancellation/Surrender of Student’s Pass and Spouse/Child Social Visit Pass to Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) For all students on Student’s Pass (Spouse/Child inclusive), it is important to refer to the ‘Cancellation/Surrender of Student’s Pass and Spouse/Child Social Visit Pass to Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA)’ tab below.

Do note that your Student Pass (STP) will be cancelled within 7 days of your conferment as required by ICA

Students must ensure they are on the appropriate Pass if they wish to stay on in Singapore after their conferment.


Students planning to leave Singapore and return in July to attend Commencement ceremonies should refer to the table below:

Category Action
Students from Visa required countries/regions

Cancel your STP via ICA’s e-Service Portal 30 days before your return

Apply for an Entry Visa after your STP has been cancelled.

All other students  You can enter Singapore as a tourist in July.
Commencement Commencement is typically held in the month of July. Students with degree conferment dates that fall between 31 July of the preceding calendar year and 30 June of the current calendar year, both dates inclusive, will be eligible to attend Commencement ceremonies in July of the current calendar year. 

Please refer to the Commencement website from 1 April onwards for more details. Alternatively, please contact the Commencement team at
(Note: Students whose degrees are conferred from 31 July 2024 to 30 June 2025 would be eligible to attend Commencement 2025 (C2025) ceremonies.)

Official Name The University does not normally change the official name once a student has been conferred/awarded their degrees.
Student Card As your candidature with the University has ended, please destroy the card (by cutting it into pieces) and discard it.
Other Information Please refer to the Other Information tab for the following:
  • Graduate Employment Survey
  • On-going Support for your Career Aspirations
  • Staying Connected with NUS
  • Library Membership
  • Tertiary Student EZ-link Card
  • Fulfilment of MOE Tuition Grant / Service Obligation Scheme

Spouse/Child Social Visit Pass must be cancelled in person at ICA. The pass holder and Student’s Pass (STP) holder are required to report in person to Visitor Services Centre, ICA Building, Level 4, bringing along the pass holder’s passport, LTVP card and the STP holder’s STP card.

Category Actions/Information Required
1 Students who have been Conferred/Awarded their degrees NUS will cancel your STP within 7 days of your conferment. You will receive 2 emails, via your NUS lifelong email account, from File.SG and ICA
First email from File.SG

Notification that your STP has been cancelled.

Second email from ICA
(Sent 8hrs – 12hrs after the first email from File.SG.)

Contains a link to the STP cancellation notice. Students who are in Singapore at the point of STP cancellation will be issued with the Short-Term Visit Pass (STVP).

Students must ensure they are on the appropriate Pass if they wish to stay on in Singapore after their conferment.


Students planning to leave Singapore and return in July to attend Commencement ceremonies should refer to the table below:

Category Action
Students from Visa required countries/regions

Cancel your STP via ICA’s e-Service Portal 30 days before your return

Apply for an Entry Visa after your STP has been cancelled.

All other students  You can enter Singapore as a tourist in July.
2 Students who have been Conferred/Awarded their degrees and transiting to another degree in NUS
Scenario 1

If you have already applied for, and been issued your new STP, no further action is required.

Scenario 2

If you have already applied for your new STP, and received instructions to complete formalities at school, you will need to cancel your STP.

To cancel the STP:

  1. You are required to make use of ICA’s e-Service here (Singpass login is required). Your STP must be cancelled at least 3 days before its expiry date.
  2. When your cancellation request is approved, you will receive 2 emails, 1 each from File.SG and then ICA. (NOTE: If you are continuing your stay in Singapore, you are required to have a valid STVP.)
    First email from File.SG

    Notification that your STP has been cancelled.

    Second email from ICA
    (Sent 8hrs – 12hrs after the first email from File.SG.)

    Contains a link to the STP cancellation notice. Students who are in Singapore at the point of STP cancellation will be issued with the Short-Term Visit Pass (STVP).

  3. If there are less than 3 days before your STP expiry date, please contact ICA at for assistance.

This information will also be sent to your NUS email account within 5 working days from your official conferment date.

3 Graduating students,
  1. who have not officially been Conferred/Awarded their degrees;
  2. whose STP expiry date is before your conferment; and
  3. who wishes to remain in Singapore
NOTE: You must have a valid Short-Term Visit Pass (STVP) if you are continuing your stay in Singapore. Please refer to the information below on obtaining the short-term visit pass.
  • You are required to cancel your STP via ICA’s e-Service here (Singpass login is required). Your STP must be cancelled at least 3 days before its expiry date.
  • When your cancellation request is approved, you will receive 2 emails, 1 each from File.SG and then ICA.
    First email from File.SG

    Notification that your STP has been cancelled.

    Second email from ICA
    (Sent 8hrs – 12hrs after the first email from File.SG.)

    Contains a link to the STP cancellation notice. Students who are in Singapore at the point of STP cancellation will be issued with the Short-Term Visit Pass (STVP).

  • If there are less than 3 days before your STP expiry date, please contact ICA at for assistance.
4 Graduating students who have not officially been Conferred/Awarded their degrees and intend to look for employment in Singapore You may apply for a Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP) which is valid for one year and is non-renewable.

Application is to be performed online via ICA’s e-service here once you have completed all graduation requirements (i.e., upon release of examination results). Please expect some delays due to processing time.


The following documents are available for conferred/awarded students:
Document Description
1 Student Status Letter Students will have up to 30 calendar days from their official conferment date to self-generate Student Status Letter from myEduRec. The Status Letter will reflect the following:
  • Degree title
  • Degree classification (Honours), if any
  • Conferment date
Please refer to the resources below for more information:
2 Electronic Degree Scroll and Electronic Transcript Electronic (e-) degree scrolls and e-transcripts will be issued:
  1. In the form of OpenCerts which NUS students may receive via their’ NUS lifelong email accounts within 2 weeks from their official conferment date.

    (Note: OpenCerts are currently not issued to graduates from Joint Degree Programmes (JDP).)

  2. In the form of Verifiable PDF (currently only available to students whose degrees are conferred from 31 July 2025 onwards).
3 Hard-copy Degree Scroll and Official Transcript Students will also receive ONE (1) complimentary hard-copy degree scrolls, and ONE (1) complimentary hard-copy of their official transcript. 
(Note: If your degree is a Joint Degree Programme (JDP), please contact the Degree Scroll Team at to check if the hard-copy scroll is ready.)

There are varying collection periods. Please refer to the Degree Scrolls website for more details.
Additional Hard Copy Official Transcript
Students who require additional hard copies of their official transcript may request online here

Please refer to the Official Transcripts website for more details.
Certification Letters
Students may also request for Certification Letters (letters certifying students’ graduate status from the University).

Please apply for one here or refer to the resources below for more information: 

University documents such as the degree scroll, transcript and certification or status letters may be withheld if you have a ‘Hold’ on your records. You can log in to myEduRec to check for any ‘Hold(s)’ and contact the relevant office for any clarifications.
(Note: Students have access to myEduRec up until 30 calendar days from their official conferment date. Refer to the ‘Degree Conferment’  tab above for official conferment dates.) 

Which office should you contact for clarifications?
  • Click here to contact Office of Finance for finance-related ‘Holds’ (e.g., outstanding tuition fees.)
  • Contact Library at or 65162016 or 68720236 for overdue fees or unreturned books.  
  • Contact your College/Faculty/School for ‘Holds’ pertaining to the aforementioned (e.g., fines).
  • Click here for medical-related ‘Holds’.
  • Contact Office of the Student Conduct at for disciplinary-related ‘Holds’.
  • Contact your hostel for hostel-related ‘Holds’.

Please contact the Graduation Team at

  • When the respective offices have removed the ‘Hold’. Do note that it may take at least one working day for ‘Holds’ to be released by respective offices.)
  • If you no longer have access to myEduRec.

Document Description
1 Graduation Employment Survey For undergraduate programmes, conferred students will be sent a link to the annual Joint-Autonomous Universities Graduate Employment Survey in November of the year of their conferment (for students conferred from January to June), or one year after their conferment (for students conferred from July to December), by an appointed third-party vendor. Please refer to the survey’s website here for more information.

For postgraduate programmes, conferred/awarded students will be sent a link to the annual Graduate Employment Survey 6 to 12 months after their conferment, by NUS Staff (via Qualtrics).

We greatly appreciate your participation as your response provides feedback on NUS’ policies, programmes, and employment prospects of our graduates.
2 On-going Support for your Career Aspirations Achieving your career ambitions is a lifelong journey of personal growth, continued learning, and adaption to the evolving work landscape. The Centre for Future-ready Graduates (CFG) is here to support you. Learn more about the resources we have available for you.  
3 Stay Connected with NUS Continue to access your NUS lifelong email account (… after graduation and enjoy 50GB of email cloud storage. Access the NUS gateway app – uNivUS to retrieve your digital AlumNUS Card and enjoy AlumPERKS at a host of retail and services outlets. 

Use the same credentials to access the Alumni Portal and manage your communication preferences. Make sure you are subscribed to our mailing lists to receive updates. 

Should you need any assistance, reach out to:
Office of Alumni Relations
Library Membership The library membership of students who have completed their studies and graduated ceases with the release of examination results. However, you can apply for an external library membership as an alumnus. Please check the details at the Library website.
Tertiary Student EZ-link Card
If you hold the Tertiary Student EZ-link Card, you will not be eligible for concessionary travel upon the conferment of your degree. Please refer to the Transit Link website for more information.
Fulfilment of MOE Tuition Grant / Service Obligation Scheme
Graduating students who are Singapore Permanent Residents or international students and have received the MOE Tuition Grant or have taken up the MOE Service Obligation Scheme will be contractually obliged to work for Singapore-based companies for 3 years upon graduation. 

Information on fulfilment of the tuition grant bond is available at the Ministry of Education Tuition Grant website. You are encouraged to stay in Singapore to seek employment with a valid pass issued by ICA and update your latest contact details at MOE TGonline. To request for a letter indicating Employment Pass eligibility, please furnish your details here.

You may wish to refer to other Office of the University Registrar webpages if your query is not covered in this page: 
If you require further clarification, please drop us a message via Our Contacts ‘Enquiry Form’.