All full-time international students must hold a valid Student's Pass (STP) issued by the Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) for their studies at NUS.

For more information regarding the application of Student’s Pass, please click here and navigate to the ‘Student’s Pass Matters’ tab. 
Undergraduate students will require an extension of Student’s Pass if their candidature at NUS falls under one of the following conditions:
a. extension of candidature
b. resumption of studies

Please submit an application here for a new Student's Pass at least one month but no more than two months before the expiry date of your current Student’s Pass / resumption of studies.

Note: Overstaying is a punishable offence under the Immigration Act. Please take note of the expiry dates of your Student's Pass and apply for an extension accordingly. For full-time students, please note that you will be deemed to be residing illegally in Singapore if you do not have a valid Student’s Pass.
For change of email address, SG mobile number or passport particulars, you can self-update via logging in to

For change of residential address, you can self-update in the Electronic Change of Residential Address (eCOA) portal using Singpass*. For students without a Singpass account, please head to the nearest Singpass counter to register for one.

*Singpass enrolment can only be performed after the Student’s Pass has been issued.

Please be reminded that it is a legal requirement to report any change in your place of residence within 14 days of the change. 
International Students who were previously issued a physical Student’s Pass and have lost it are required to apply for a replacement within seven days from the date of loss.

From 27 February 2023, ICA will issue the STP in digital form only. You will receive an email on how to retrieve your digital STP, after you complete the replacement procedures at ICA Building.

Replacement fees will apply. Please visit ICA's website for more information.
You are required to self-cancel your Student’s Pass through (Singpass login required) if any of the following in the table applies to you.

Cessation or Termination of Studies You should cancel your Student’s Pass, and surrender your Student’s Pass card (if issued a physical card) for cancellation within seven days.
Leave of Absence (LOA) Students who are granted Leave of Absence consecutively for more than 2 years will have to cancel their Student's Pass. For more details, please click here.
Conferment / Graduation
NUS will cancel your STP within 7 days of your conferment. For more details on conferment dates and cancellation of your Student’s Pass upon conferment, please click here.
For more information regarding Singapore’s entry requirements, please refer to ICA’s website here.