At all times, students are responsible for understanding and complying with the policies and procedures established by the Senate and the University administration, including but not limited to the following:
Requires NUS Virtual Private Network (nVPN) to login to Student Portal.
Acceptance Record
Courses Administration
Ethics Review of Student Research
Examination Matters
Extension of Programme
Grading Policy & Examination Process
Immigration Matters
Important Information to Note Upon Cessation of Studies at NUS 
Non-Discrimination Statement
NUS Statutes and Regulations
Responsibility for Notices/Circulars and Updates of Personal Particulars
Student Account Enquiry
Student Feedback
NG Transcripts Matters
Withdrawal from the University
Please click here for an A-Z listing of information and resources that would be relevant to Non-Graduating students during their course of study at NUS.
The University reserves the right to make any changes deemed necessary in the policies/requirements.