Undergraduate Students
The Special Term caters to Undergraduate (UG) students under the modular faculties system who wish to graduate earlier.
- UG students admitted to non-modular faculties namely, Medicine / Dentistry / Law where the programme structure and duration are fixed (except Law DDP students whose 2nd degree is registered with a modular faculty), are excluded.
Graduate Students
Some Faculties/Schools may offer graduate courses during the Special Term for graduate students (research and coursework) to read.
Non-Graduating Students
If you are a current overseas student registered at another University, NUS welcomes you to join us as a Non-Graduating (Exchange or Non-Exchange) student during the Special Term.
Returning Full-Time National Servicemen (NSmen) who have places reserved for them in NUS and will be registering as UG students in the upcoming Semester 1 can join the Non-Graduating Programme in the Special Term.
Details on Special Term
Dates of Special Term
Courses Available
Dropping of Course(s)
Examination Related Matters
Course Registration, Fees and Other Information
- The Special Term comprises two parts, each of which lasts six weeks:
Students may register for courses in either Part 1 or 2, or both.
- Please refer to the Academic Calendar for actual dates of Special Term Part 1 and 2.
- For students in the Part-time Bachelor of Technology (BTech) Programme, please visit the BTech Programme website for the BTech Academic Calendar.
The list of courses available in each Special Term is published in January/February of each Academic Year (AY).
- For Undergraduate students and Non-graduating students, please refer to the list of available courses here#1.
- For Graduate students, please refer to the list of available courses here.
For more details on the class and examination timetable (lecture, tutorial and laboratories if any), please refer to the NUSMods.
In general, students take no more than two courses per part of the Special Term.
#1Non-Graduating students may have course restrictions.
- Students may choose to drop any courses for which they have earlier registered. Please note the penalty and fee policy applicable for dropping courses within the following timelines:
Please refer to the Academic Calendar for the actual effective periods of “W” and “F” grade.
#2Fees payable are only applicable for Undergraduates, Returning National Servicemen, Graduate and Non-Graduating Non-Exchange Students only.
- Students who have to drop courses after Week 2 because they fail the pre-requisite courses in the Semester 2 examinations will not be granted a fee waiver.
- Students are not able to exercise Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) option on the courses dropped during the “F” grade period.
(Note: Points (2) and (3) are not applicable to Non-Graduating students)
For course registration, fees, enquiries and other information, please refer to the respective websites as follows: