Daiwa Prize

Daiwa Capital Markets Singapore Limited (originally known as DBS‐Daiwa Securities International Limited) donated a capital sum of $5000 to the University in 1976. The proceeds of the capital sum is used to fund the Daiwa Prize.

  1. Subject to Rule 3 below, a cash prize worth $400 will be awarded annually to a candidate in the FASS who has been consistently outstanding in his/her academic achievements throughout the first 3 years of their programme of study leading to the Bachelor degree in FASS.
  2. The prize will be awarded by the Board of Undergraduate Studies on the recommendation of the relevant Board of Examiners.
  3. No award will be made unless there is a candidate of sufficient merit. 
  4. It shall not be obligatory for the Board to award in any one year the whole of the income of that year. 
  5. This gift shall be governed by the University Statutes and Regulations, specifically, Statute 7 on Gifts to the University and the corresponding Regulation.


DBS Medal

Donated in 1990 by the Development Bank of Singapore, a gold medal is awarded from the proceeds of a capital sum of $15,000.

  1. Subject to rule 3 below, the medal will be awarded to the best student in the Finance concentration who has also excelled in the overall Bachelor of Business Administration Honours Examination.
  2. The medal will be awarded by Board of Undergraduate Studies on the recommendation of the relevant Board of Examiners.
  3. No award will be made unless there is a candidate who is of sufficient merit.
  4. In the event of there being more than one candidate of equal merit, the relevant Board of Examiners will take into consideration the performance of the candidates during the year as well as their examination results.
  5. This gift shall be governed by the University Statutes and Regulations, specifically, Statute 7 on Gifts to the University and the corresponding Regulation.


DBS Gold Medal for Financial Engineering

Donated in 2001 by Development Bank of Singapore, a gold medal is awarded from the proceeds of a capital sum of $15,000. The award is governed by the following conditions:

  1. Subject to rule 3 below, the medal will be awarded to the best final year student for the degree of Master of Science (Financial Engineering).
  2. The medal will be awarded by the Board of Graduate Studies on the recommendation of the relevant Board of Examiners.
  3. No award will be made unless there is a candidate of sufficient merit.


Dean's Medal and Prize

In 2013, Prof Chia Kee Seng, an alumnus and Founding Dean of the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health donated an expendable sum of S$15,000 to establish the Dean's Medal and Prize. 
The award will be awarded annually and is governed by the following conditions:

  1. Subject to rule 4 below, a gold medal and cash prize of S$1,000 will be given to a graduating student in the Master of Public Health programme who has:
    1. obtained a good GPA; and
    2. achieved the highest mark in the Practicum course.
  2. In the event of a tie between two candidates, the student with the highest GPA will be awarded.
  3. The award will be made by the Board of Graduate Studies on the recommendation of the relevant Board of Examiners
  4. No award will be made unless there is a candidate of sufficient merit.
  5. This gift shall be governed by the University Statutes and Regulations, specifically, Statute 7 on Gifts to the University and the corresponding Regulation.


Dean's Medal and Prize in Implementing Public Health Programmes and Policies

In 2020, Prof Teo Yik Ying, Professor and Dean of the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, donated an expendable sum of $15,000 to establish the “Dean's Medal and Prize in Implementing Public Health Programmes and Policies”. 

The award is governed by the following conditions:

  1. Subject to rule 3 below, a gold medal and cash prize of S$1,000 will be awarded to a graduating student from Master of Public Health, Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy programme who has:
    1. Obtained a good GPA; and
    2. Best score for Implementing Public Health Programmes & Policies course
  2. In the event of there being two or more candidates of equal merit, the Board of Examiners will take into account their overall performance throughout their course of study leading to the degree.
  3. No award will be made unless there is a candidate of sufficient merit.
  4. The award will be made by the Board of Graduate Studies or its nominee.
  5. If no award is made in any year, the unutilised amount will be added to the fund.
  6. This gift shall be governed by the University Statutes and Regulations, specifically, Statute 7 on Gifts to the University and the corresponding Regulation.


Defence Science & Technology Agency Gold Medals and Prize

Donated in 2001 by the Defence Science & Technology Agency (DSTA), a gold medal and a prize is awarded from the proceeds of a capital sum of $15,000. The gold medal and a prize valued at $200 would be awarded to the best final year student for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering).
In 2002, DSTA donated another $15,000 for the award of a gold medal and a prize valued at $500 to the top student in the Bachelor of Computing (Honours) in Information Systems course. The award is for a period of 20 years beginning from the academic year 2001/2002.
In 2003, it was decided that a gold medal be awarded to the best final year student for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering). The awards were renamed " Defence Science & Technology Agency Gold Medal" and " Defence Science & Technology Agency Gold Medal and Prize" for awards to Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering) and Bachelor of Computing (Honours), respectively.
Both the awards are governed by the following conditions:

  1. No award will be made unless there is a candidate of sufficient merit.
  2. The award will be made by the Board of Undergraduate Studies on the recommendation of the relevant Board of Examiners.
  3. This gift shall be governed by the University Statutes and Regulations, specifically, Statute 7 on Gifts to the University and the corresponding Regulation.


Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Medal

Donated by the Organising Committee of the First International Congress on Oral Cancer and Jaw Tumours in 1988, two gold medals are awarded annually from the proceeds of a capital sum of $20,000. In 2003, it was agreed that a cash prize may be awarded. The awards are governed by the following conditions:

  1. Subject to rules 3 below, the gold medals are awarded by the Board of Undergraduate Studies on the recommendation of the relevant Board of Examiners -
    1. one to the best student with distinction in Dental Anatomy and Histology successfully completing the First Professional B.D.S. Examination; and
    2. one to the best student with distinction in Dental Materials successfully completing the Second Professional B.D.S. Examination.
  2. In the event that no student is eligible for award of a medal, a cash prize may be awarded to the student who obtains the highest mark and an 'A' grade for the subject.
  3. No award will be made unless there is a candidate of sufficient merit.
  4. In the event of there being more than one candidate of equal merit, the relevant Board of Examiners will take into consideration the performance of the candidates during the year as well as their examination results.
  5. This gift shall be governed by the University Statutes and Regulations, specifically, Statute 7 on Gifts to the University and the corresponding Regulation.


Dermatological Society of Singapore Prize

Presented in 1975 by the Dermatological Society of Singapore, the cash prize has a value of $200 and is open for award to students in the Final Year of the M.B., B.S. course.

  1. The prize will be awarded on the basis of an assessment of a student's performance in Dermatology.
  2. The assessment will be made by a committee comprising the Dean of Medicine, the Head of the Department of Medicine, the President of the Dermatological Society of Singapore and the part-time teacher in Dermatology.
  3. The prize will be awarded annually by the Board of Undergraduate Studies on the recommendation of the Examination Panel to the best student in Dermatology.


Distinguished Undergraduate Research Prize

The Distinguished Undergraduate Research Prize was launched in AY2023/24 to give recognition to the top-ranked research projects. The award is governed by the following conditions:

  1. Subject to rule 3 below:
    1. A cash prize of $2,000 will be awarded to the top-ranked undergraduate individual research project.
    2. A cash prize of $8,000 will be awarded to the top-ranked undergraduate group research project.
  2. The awards will be awarded by the Board of Undergraduates Studies on the recommendation of the selection panel for the Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Prize.
  3. No awards will be made if there are no candidates of sufficient merit.


Dr F. A. C. Oehlers Medal

Donated by Dr F. A. C. Oehlers Dental Surgery in 1990, a gold medal is awarded annually from the proceeds of a capital sum of $10,000. The award is governed by the following conditions:

  1. Subject to rule 3 below, the gold medal is awarded to the best clinical student successfully completing the Final Professional B.D.S. Examination.
  2. The award will be made by the Board of Undergraduate Studies on the recommendation of the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry and the Heads of Departments in the Faculty.
  3. No award will be made unless there is a candidate of sufficient merit.
  4. In the event of there being more than one candidate of equal merit, the candidates' examination results and performance throughout the course of study will be taken into consideration.


Dr. Lau Kieng Hiong Medal

In 2001, the National University of Singapore Multi-Purpose Co-Operative Society Ltd donated $15,000 to establish a gold medal award in honour of Dr Lau Kieng Hiong. A medal is awarded from the proceeds of a capital sum of $15,000.
The award is governed by the following conditions:

  1. Subject to rule 3 below, the medal will be awarded to the best graduating student in Periodontology in the Final Professional B.D.S. Examination.
  2. The medal will be awarded by the Board of Undergraduate Studies on the recommendation of the Dean, Faculty of Dentistry.
  3. No award will be made unless there is a candidate of sufficient merit.
  4. This gift shall be governed by the University Statutes and Regulations, specifically, Statute 7 on Gifts to the University and the corresponding Regulation.


D.S. Lee Foundation Prize in Nursing

In 2008, D.S. Lee Foundation pledged a non-endowed gift of S$44,000 to Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies (ALCNS) to establish scholarships and faculty-level awards.
In 2017, the scholarships and awards were dissolved, and the remaining balance, amounting to S$24,500 is used to establish the D.S. Lee Foundation Prize in Nursing, to award the top graduating student in the Bachelor of Science (Nursing) programme
The award is governed by the following conditions:

  1. Subject to rule 3 below, the prize will be awarded annually to the top graduating student in the Bachelor of Science (Nursing) programme
  2. The award will be a cash prize of $500 Singapore Dollars.
  3. No award will be made if there is no candidate of sufficient merits.
  4. If no award is made in any year, the unutilized amount will be added to the fund.
  5. The prizes will be awarded by the Board of Undergraduate Studies or its nominee.
  6. This gift shall be governed by the University Statutes and Regulations, specifically, Statute 7 on Gifts to the University and the corresponding Regulation.


Duke-NUS Achievement Prize

The Duke-NUS Achievement Prize was established in 2009 to honour exceptional academic performance and high-quality research. Five (5) awards were given out in AY2010/11 as Faculty level awards. An additional award was added in each of AY2011/12, AY2015/16 and AY2022/23, and these awards were given out as University-level awards since AY2011/12. In AY2023/24, one award was discontinued. The source of funding for the awards was originally from a donation of a non-endowed sum of S$50,000 from China Construction (South Pacific) Development Co Pte Ltd in 2009, which was fully utilised in AY2021/22. From AY2022/23, these awards were funded by the Duke-NUS Office of Education.

The award is governed by the following conditions:

  1. Subject to rule 3 below, a cash prize of S$1,000 and a certificate will be awarded annually to each of the following:
    1. A graduating MD student who has outstanding performance on the Theory Exit Exam;
    2. A graduating MD student who has outstanding performance on the Clinical Exit Exam;
    3. The most outstanding graduating student in any of the Duke-NUS PhD program(s) or Duke-NUS MD/PhD program;
    4. A graduating MD student who has completed the most outstanding research thesis in Basic Sciences;
    5. A graduating MD student who has completed the most outstanding research thesis in Clinical Sciences;
    6. A graduating MD student who has completed the most outstanding research thesis in Translational Sciences;
    7. A graduating MD student who is most outstanding in the publications of research and scholarly papers.
  2. The prize winners will be decided by the Duke-NUS Student Awards Selection Committee.
  3. No award will be made unless there is a candidate of sufficient merit.
  4. In the event of more than one candidate of equal merit for the award, the Duke-NUS Student Awards Selection Committee may, subject to available funds, distribute the award or make additional awards in such manner as it deems fit.
  5. This gift shall be governed by the University Statutes and Regulations, specifically, Statute 7 on Gifts to the University and the corresponding Regulation.


Duke-NUS Humanism Award

Duke-NUS Office of Education has pledged to award a final year Doctor of Medicine or MD/PhD student who best demonstrates the ideals of humanism in Medicine. The Duke-NUS Humanism Award was established to elevate those humanistic qualities essential to good doctoring: integrity, excellence, compassion, altruism, respect, empathy, and service. This award was given out in AY2010/11 as a Faculty-level award.
The award is governed by the following conditions:

  1. Subject to rule 2 below, a cash prize of S$1,000 shall be awarded to a final year Doctor of Medicine or MD/PhD student from the graduating class who best demonstrates the following core values of humanism in the practice of medicine:
    1. Integrity (in both values and behavior);
    2. Compassion (awareness and the desire to relieve the suffering of patients);
    3. Altruism (to put the needs and interests of the patient before his/her own);
    4. Empathy (the ability to put himself/herself in the situation of the patient);
    5. Service (sharing of his/her time and resources with those in need, often beyond what is required).
  2. No award will be made unless there is a candidate of sufficient merit.
  3. The award will be made by the Board of Graduate Studies on the recommendation of the Duke-NUS Student Awards Selection Committee. This committee shall be comprised of the following:
    1. A nominee of the Vice Dean, Education, Duke-NUS;
    2. A nominee of the Dean, Duke-NUS who shall be the Chairman of the Committee; and
    3. Any additional nominees by the Chairman of the Committee as he/she sees fit
  4. This gift shall be governed by the University Statutes and Regulations, specifically, Statute 7 on Gifts to the University and the corresponding Regulations.