List of Courses approved under the GE pillars

List of Courses approved under the GE pillars 


• GEC1000 Globalisation and New Media
• GEC1001 Chinese Music, Language and Literature (In English)
• GEC1002 Nations & Nationalism in South Asia
• GEC1003 Pirates, Oceans and The Maritime World
• GEC1004 Samurai, Geisha, Yakuza as Self or Other
• GEC1005 Cultural Borrowing: Japan And China
• GEC1006 Understanding Consumption
• GEC1007 Geopolitics: Geographies of War & Peace
• GEC1008 Exploring Chinese Cinema: Shanghai-Hong Kong-Singapore
• GEC1009 Drugs and Society
• GEC1010 Clean Energy and Storage
• GEC1011 Microbes Which Changed Human History
• GEC1012 Understanding Globalisation
• GEC1013 World Religions
• GEC1014 Social and Cultural Studies Through Music
• GEC1015 Public Health in Action
• GEC1016 Plants and Society
• GEC1017 Film Art and Human Concerns
• GEC1018 Names as Markers of Socio-Cultural Identity
• GEC1019 Religion and Film
• GEC1020 Cultural Diversity in The Contemporary World
• GEC1021 The Theatre Experience
• GEC1022 Living in The Nuclear World
• GEC1023 Social History of The Piano
• GEC1024 Ghosts and Spirits in Society and Culture
• GEC1025 The Life Aquatic: Machines and The Making of The Ocean
• GEC1026 Art in Asia: Through Media, Style, Space and Time
• GEC1027 Culture in Action
• GEC1028 Luck
• GEC1029 Worlds of Football
• GEC1030 Metropolis: The City in World History
• GEC1031 Whatever It Takes? Making War on Civilians
• GEC1032 Home
• GEC1033 Maverick or Mahatma? Gandhi's Life & Legacy
• GEC1034/GEC1034T Understanding the Changing Global Economic Landscape
• GEC1035 Patrons of The Arts
• GEC1036 Radiation-Scientific Understanding and Public Perception
• GEC1037 Big Picture History
• GEC1038 Asian Cinema: The Silent Era
• GEC1039 International Relations of Asia
• GEC1040/GEC1040T A Culture of Sustainability
• GEC1041 Crime Fiction and Film across Space & Time
• GEC1042 Fashion: East and West
• GEC1043 Feasting and Fasting: Global Histories of Food
• GEC1044 Chinese Medicine: Theory and Practice
• GEC1045 Forbidden Romance in Modern Times: East and West
• GEC1046 Magic, Myths and Society in Southeast Asia
• GEC1048 Death and Dying in the Human Experience
• GEC1049 Powerful Court Women from Qing China and Other Cultures
• GEC1050 Skyscapes: Cultural Interpretations of the Sky
• GEC1051 Merchants, Guns and Money: The Economics of War
• GEC1052 From Traveller to Tourist
• GEC1053 Rome and the Genealogy of Urban Life

• Bachelor of Pharmacy students from cohorts AY2020-21 and AY2021-22 are advised to read GEC1015. 
• Bachelor of Technology students must read GEC1034T or GEC1040T.
• HSA1000 Asian Interconnections
• NGT2001 Global Social Thought
• RVC1000 How in The World Do We Get Along?
• RVC1001 The Rocky Road to SDGs
• RVC2000 Culture and Sustainability in Southeast Asia
• UHB2204/NHS2019 Virtue and Leadership
• UHB2206/NHS2020 Leadership in a Complex World
• UHB2207/NHS2021 Language, Cognition, and Culture
• UHB2208/NHS2022 Immigration and the City
• UHB2209/NHS2023 Polycentric Governance: Possibilities and Pitfalls
• UHB2210/NHS2024 Emotion in Daily Life
• UHB2211/NHS2025 Welcome to the Anthropocene: Agency in the era of climate change
• UHB2214/NHS2028 Effective Decision Making 
• USE2209/NHS2029 Globalizing Asian-Pacific Identities
• USE2305/NHS2031 Southeast Asia: The Making of a Region
• USE2306/NHS2032 Disasters and Responses
• USE2307/NHS2033 HIV/AIDS: From Microbes to Nations
• USE2308/NHS2034 New Media and Politics
• USE2309/NHS2035 Ordinary Politics
• USE2310/NHS2036 Questioning Sustainable Development
• USE2313/NHS2039 Understanding Law and Social Change
• USE2314/NHS2040 Politics and Emotion
• USE2315/NHS2041 Participatory Social Development in Southeast Asia
• USE2316/NHS2042 Satires and (Un)Serious Histories
• USE2319/NHS2045 Social Movements, Law, and Society
• USE2322/NHS2048 Situating Singapore in the Wider World 
• USE2323/NHS2049 Culture and Technology 
• USE2324/NHS2050 Gender and Ecology in Asia
• USE2325/NHS2051 Democracy and Inequality
• USP3501/NHS3001 The Problematic Concept of "Gender"
• CHS students must read HSA1000.
• NUSC students must read NGT2001.
• RVRC students must read RVC1000, RVC1001 or RVC2000.
• USP students may read listed UHB/NHS, USE/NHS or USP/NHS courses.


• GEX1000 Framing Bollywood: Unpacking the Magic
• GEX1001 Representation and Media
• GEX1002 Life, Disrupted: The Sharing Revolution
• GEX1003 Seeing the World Through Maps
• GEX1004 Bridging East and West: Exploring Chinese Communication
• GEX1005/GEX1005T Public Speaking and Critical Reasoning
• GEX1006 The Art of Science, The Science of Art
• GEX1007 Darwin And Evolution
• GEX1009 Understanding Your Brain
• GEX1010 Thinking Like An Economist
• GEX1011 Science Fiction and Philosophy
• GEX1012 Effective Reasoning
• GEX1013 Reason and Persuasion
• GEX1014 Logic
• GEX1015 Life, The Universe, And Everything
• GEX1016 Building Relationship : Theories and Practice
• GEX1017 Communication and Critical Thinking for Community Leadership
• GEX1018 Critical Perspectives in Advertising
• GEX1019 The Logic of Language
• GEX1020 Communication in Small Groups
• GEX1021 What, When and Where Is Art?
• GEX1022 Communicating About the Arts
• GEX1023 Disney And the Theme Park World
• GEX1024 Universe, Big Bang, And Unsolved Mysteries
• GEX1025 Structures of Conversation
• GEX1026 I Do Not Think Therefore I Am
• GEX1027 Art and Identity
• GEX1028 Science: From Thinking to Narratives
• GEX1029 Narrative
• GEX1030 Standard English Across Cultures
• GEX1031 Hollywood Cinema: Constructing the Realistic
• GEX1032 “Fake News” In the Public Sphere          

Bachelor of Technology students must read GEX1005T.
• ES2631 Critique and Communication of Thinking and Design 
• ES2660 Communicating in the Information Age
• HSH1000 The Human Condition
• MUH1101 Critical Approaches to Musical Discovery
• NGN2001 Global Narratives
• RVX1000 Citizen Speak: Persuasion and Polarization in Society
• RVX1001 Science Fiction and Society
• RVX1002 What Do You Mean? Meaning and Communication in Intercultural Contexts
• RVX1003 Print to Screen: Analysing Film Adaptation
• RVX1004 Cultural Expressions of Science, Technology and Warfare
• RVX1005 Intersectionality, Identity and Inequality in Asia
• UWC2101A/NTW2001 Cosmopolitanism and Global Citizenship
• UWC2101B/NTW2002 Civic Discourse in a Fractious World
• UWC2101C/NTW2003 Monuments, Memorials, and Commemoration
• UWC2101D/NTW2004 Narrative in Everyday Life
• UWC2101E/NTW2005 Literature and Ethics
• UWC2101F/NTW2006 Human Trafficking and Labour Migration
• UWC2101G/NTW2007 Apocalyptic Cultures 
• UWC2101H/NTW2008 Power, Space and Pleasure
• UWC2101I/NTW2009 Interpreting Consumerism
• UWC2101J/NTW2010 Sites of Tourism
• UWC2101K/NTW2011 Questioning Evolution And Progress
• UWC2101L/NTW2012 Conditions of Happiness
• UWC2101M/NTW2013 Scholarly Pursuits
• UWC2101N/NTW2014 Clothing Identities
• UWC2101P/NTW2015 News and the Public
• UWC2101Q/NTW2016 Civility in the World City 
• UWC2101R/NTW2017 Multidisciplinary Perspectives on “Mind”
• UWC2101S/NTW2018 Danger and National Security
• UWC2101T/NTW2019 The Politics And Rhetoric Of Green 
• UWC2101U/NTW2020 Technologies of Home 
• UWC2101V/NTW2021 Language, Culture and ‘Native’ Peoples
• UWC2101W/NTW2022 Genocide and Memory 
• UWC2101X/NTW2023 The Idea of the University
• UWC2101Y/NTW2024 Issues in and Around Justice
• UWC2101Z/NTW2025 Vice, the State & Society
• UWC2101AA/NTW2026 Religion in Public Life 
• UWC2101AB/NTW2027 What is Wisdom?
• UWC2101AC/NTW2028 The Social Life of Science
• NTW2029 Evolutionary Psychology and Art
• NTW2030 Art as Action: Caring about the Climate Crisis in SEA
• NTW2031 Equity and Education
• NTW2032 The Self in Health and Longevity
• NTW2033 Conceptions of Human Nature
• NTW2034 Wild and Simple: Living and Thinking Sustainably
• NTW2035 Art and the Attention Economy
• NTW2036 Space, Place and the Human Experience
• NTW2037 Absences: Beyond the Edges of the Material World
• NTW2038 Screening Historical Trauma
• NTW2039 Videogame Theory and Analysis
• UAR2206/NHS2008 Creating 'Reality'
• UAR2207/NHS2009 Intercultural Exchanges Through Theatre
• UAR2208/NHS2010 From Lab to Stage: Writing the Science Play
• ULT2298D/NHS2001 Representing War
• ULT2299A/NHS2002 Understanding Irony
• ULT2299C/NHS2003 The Subject of Reading
• ULT2299D/NHS2004 The Politics of Language and Literacy in Singapore
• ULT2299E/NHS2005 Appealing Arguments: Logos, Pathos, and Ethos
• ULT2299F/NHS2006 Close Reading and Its Vicissitudes
• ULT2299G/NHS2007 The Modern History of Southeast Asia through Fiction
• UPI2205/NHS2011 Ethics and the Environment
• UPI2207/NHS2012 Ethics and Aesthetics: The Moral Value of Representational Art
• UPI2208/NHS2013 Imagining Animals
• UPI2210/NHS2014 Arts of Memory: Public Recollection & Memory Training
• UPI2211/NHS2015 Utopia: Ideal Places from Plato’s to the Smart City
• UPI2212/NHS2016 Technologies of the Self: from Socrates to Self-Help
• UPI2213/NHS2017 Making Sense of Colonial Ideology and Its Legacies
• UPI2214/NHS2018 Multidisciplinary Inquiries Into the Mystery Of "Minds"
• Bachelor of Engineering students & Bachelor of Science (Project & Facilities Management) students must read ES2631.
• Bachelor of Computing (Computer Science) students must read ES2660.
• CHS students must read HSH1000.
• Bachelor of Music students from cohort AY2023-24 must read MUH1101.
• NUSC students must read NGN2001.
• RVRC students must read one of these courses: RVX1000, RVX1001, RVX1002, RVX1003, RVX1004 or RVX1005.
• USP students may read listed UWC/NTW, UAR/NHS, ULT/NHS or UPI/NHS courses. BEng + USP students must read UWC or NTW courses.


• GEA1000/GEA1000N Quantitative Reasoning with Data

Bachelor of Engineering students (except Industrial & Systems Engineering) must read GEA1000.
• NUSC students must read GEA1000N except those in specific majors who must read BT1101/DSA1101/DSE1101/IE1111R/ST1131.
• BT1101 Introduction to Business Analytics 
• DSA1101 Introduction to Data Science 
• DSE1101 Introductory Data Science for Economics 
• IE1111R Industrial and Systems Engineering Principles and Practice I 
• SPH1904 Data Literacy for Healthcare
• ST1131 Introduction to Statistics and Statistical Computing
• TCX2002 Introduction to Business Analytics
• Bachelor of Computing (Information Systems) & Bachelor of Science (Business Analytics) students must read BT1101.
• Bachelor of Science (Data Science & Analytics) students must read DSA1101.
• Bachelor of Science (Data Science & Economics) students must read DSE1101.
• Bachelor of Engineering (Industrial & Systems Engineering) students must read IE1111R.
• Bachelor of Science (Statistics) students must read ST1131.
• Bachelor of Information Technology students must read TCX2002.
For more details about the Data Literacy Pillar, please click here.


• GEI1000 Computational Thinking 
• GEI1001 Computational Reasoning
• GEI1002 Computers and the Humanities

• AR2524 Spatial Computational Thinking
• BMI1101 Digital Literacy for Healthcare
• CM3267 Computational Thinking and Programming in Chemistry
• COS1000 Computational Thinking for Scientists 
• CS1010%/CS1010E/CS1010S Programming Methodology
• CS1101S Programming Methodology
• CS2030/CS2030S Programming Methodology II
• CS2113/CS2113T Software Engineering & Object-Oriented Programming 
• ID2116 Computing for Design
• LSM2302/ZB2201 Computational Thinking for Life Sciences
• NM2207 Computational Media Literacy
• SP2273 Working on Interdisciplinary Science, Pythonically 
• TCN1005 MATLAB Programming for Chemical Engineers
• TCX2001 Data Structures and Algorithms
• TEE2101 Programming Methodology 
• TIC2001 Data Structures and Algorithms 
• TIE2030 Programming Methodology with Python
• NPS2001 Computational Problem Solving
• Bachelor of Arts in Architecture, Bachelor of Arts in Industrial Design and Bachelor of Landscape Architecture students must read AR2524 or ID2116.

• CHS students:
FASS majors, PPE XDP and BES XDP students must read a course from List A or B. FoS majors and DSE XDP students can only read a course in List B. Special Programme in Science (SPS) students must read SP2273. BPharm students from cohorts AY2021/22 and AY2022/23 can only read a course in List B or the DYOC EdX MOOC “CS50’s Introduction to Computer Science. Please note the GEI pillar is not applicable to BPharm students from cohort AY2023/24 onwards who will read a separate set of Common Curriculum for the professional healthcare cluster.
List A
- GEI1001
- GEI1002
- NM2207

List B
- CM3267
- COS1000
- CS1010S (or its variants)
- LSM2302/ZB2201
- SP2273

• Bachelor of Science (Project & Facilities Management) students must read one of these courses if they are admitted before AY22-23: COS1000, CS1010E/CS1010S. For students admitted in AY22-23 and AY23-24, they must read COS1000, CS1010E/CS1010S or GEI1001.
• Bachelor of Computing (Computer Science), Bachelor of Computing (Information Systems) & Bachelor of Science (Business Analytics) students must read one of these courses: CS1010%, CS1101S, CS2030/CS2030S.
• Bachelor of Computing (Information Security) students must read one of these courses: CS1010%, CS1101S, CS2113/CS2113T.
• Bachelor of Engineering students must read CS1010%.
• Bachelor of Technology (Chemical Engineering) students must read TCN1005.
• Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering) and Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) students must read one of these courses: TCN1005, TEE2101 or TIE2030.
• Bachelor of Information Technology students must read TCX2001.
• Bachelor of Technology (Electronics Engineering) students must read TEE2101.
• Bachelor of Technology (Business Analytics), Bachelor of Technology (Cybersecurity) & Bachelor of Technology (Software Engineering) students must read TIC2001.
• Bachelor of Technology (Industrial & Management Engineering) & Bachelor of Technology (Supply Chain Management) students must read TIE2030.
• NUSC students must read NPS2001 except those in specific majors who must read CS1010%/CS2030/CS2030S/CS1101S.


• GESS1000/GESS1000T Global EC Dimensions of Singapore
• GESS1001 Changing Landscapes of Singapore
• GESS1002 The Biophysical Env of S'pore
• GESS1003 Everyday Life of Chinese Singaporeans: Past & Present (Taught in English)
• GESS1004 Singapore And India: Emerging Relations
• GESS1005 South Asia In Singapore
• GESS1006 Ethnicity and Nation-Building: Singapore And Malaysia
• GESS1007 Singapore's Business History
• GESS1008 Nation-Building in Singapore
• GESS1009 The Evolution of a Global City-State
• GESS1010 Popular Culture in Singapore
• GESS1011 Singapore Urban History & Architecture
• GESS1012 Islam And Contemporary Malay Society
• GESS1013 Singapore And Japan: Historical and Contemporary Relationships
• GESS1014 Managing Singapore's Built Environment
• GESS1015 Western Music Within a Singaporean Context
• GESS1016 Natural Heritage of Singapore
• GESS1017 Representing Singapore
• GESS1018 Real Estate Development & Investment Law
• GESS1019 Urban Planning in Singapore
• GESS1020 Singapore Society
• GESS1021 Singapore Film: Performance of Identity
• GESS1022 Culture and Communication in Singapore
• GESS1023 Who Moved My OB Markers?
• GESS1024 We the Citizens - Understanding Singapore's Politics
• GESS1025 Singapore: Imagining the Next 50 Years
• GESS1026 A History of Singapore In Ten Objects
• GESS1027 La Kopi: Forging of The Chinese Singaporean Community
• GESS1028 Cultural Performance and Practices in Singapore
• GESS1029 Everyday Ethics in Singapore
• GESS1030 Public Health in Singapore: Challenges and Changes
• GESS1031 State of The Art: A Current View of Music in Singapore
• GESS1032 Prominent Chinese in Colonial Singapore
• GESS1033 The Singlish Controversy
• GESS1034 Singapore Literature in English: Selected Texts
• GESS1035 Singapore and the Sea
• GESS1036/GESS1036T Singapore Employment Law and Policies
• GESS1037 Gender and Sexuality: A Singaporean History

Bachelor of Technology students must read GESS1000T or GESS1036T.
• CDE2501 Liveable Cities
• HSS1000 Understanding Social Complexity
• LC1025 Singapore Law in Context
• SPH1901 Social and Behavioural Determinants of Health (only for BPharm students in AY2022/23 cohort)
• NSW2001 Understanding the Social World: Singapore & Beyond
• RVSS1000 Exploring Sense of Place
• RVSS1001 Imagining Wakanda: Cities for Work, Life, And Play
• RVSS1002 Feeding the Belly of a Nation

• RVSS1003 Communicating the Value of Singapore’s Natural Heritage
• RVSS1004 Uniquely Singapore: Regardless of Race
• UCV2207/NHS2052 The Politics of Heritage: Singapore and the Region*
• UHB2212/NHS2026 Singaporean Nostalgia*
• ULT2299D/NHS2004 The Politics of Language and Literacy in Singapore*
• UPC2209/NST2026 Pollution Control Engineering in Singapore*
• USE2304/NHS2030 Singapore Studies: Singapore: The Making of a Nation*
• USE2311/NHS2037 Singapore Studies: Archives, Biography, Memory*
• USE2312/NHS2038 Nationalism and the Arts*
• USE2317/NHS2043 Multiculturalism in Singapore and Its Contested Meanings*
• USE2318/NHS2044 Managing Cultural Difference: Theorizing the Spore Model*
• USE2320/NHS2046 Transitional Justice and War Crime Trials: Case Studies from Singapore and Asia*
• USE2321/NHS2047 Examining Local Lives*
• USP3505/NHS3002 Asianism and Singapore*

(*) denote Singapore Studies courses that are recognised under the Cultures & Connections pillar

• CHS students must read HSS1000.
• Bachelor of Business Administration & Bachelor of Laws DDP students from cohort AY2022/23 must read LC1025. For students admitted in AY2021/22, they will have to read another GESS course.
• Bachelor of Pharmacy students admitted in AY2022/23 must read SPH1901.
• NUSC students must read NSW2001.
• RVRC students must read one of these courses: RVSS1000, RVSS1001, RVSS1002, RVSS1003 or RVSS1004.
• USP students may read listed UHB/NHS, UCV/NHS, ULT/NHS, UPC/NST, USP/NHS, or USE/NHS courses.


• GEN2000 Living Culture: Engaging Indian Communities in Singapore
• GEN2001 Theatre and Community Engagement
• GEN2002X/GEN2002Y Total Defence Project Against Threat to the Community
• GEN2003 Inclusivity and Equality: Domestic Worker Community
• GEN2004 Green Communities in Action: Climate, Species, Crisis
• GEN2005 “Chineseness“: Engaging Singapore Chinese Communities
• GEN2006 Communications for Inter-generational Engagement
• GEN2007 Resilience in Restoration
• GEN2050X/GEN2050Y Teach SG
• GEN2060X/GEN2060Y Reconnect SeniorsSG
• GEN2061X/GEN2061Y Support Healthy AgeingSG
• GEN2062X/GEN2062Y Community Activities for Seniors with SG Cares
• GEN2070X/GEN2070Y Community Link (ComLink) Befrienders

• BN4102 Gerontechnology in Ageing 
• BN4103 Assistive Technology for Persons with Disability 
• CLC1101 Engaging and Building Communities
• CLC2204 Community Development with Youth
• CLC3303 Community Leadership
• CLC3304A City, Culture and Community
• CLC3307 Learning for Social Change
• CP3107 Computing for Voluntary Welfare Organisations (only offered to SoC students)
• CP3110 Computing for Voluntary Welfare Organisations II (only offered to SoC students)
• MUA2163 Leading and Guiding Through Music
• NM4230 Communications for Social Change (only offered to CNM students)
• SE3216 Migration, Diaspora and Refugees in Southeast Asia
• SE3226 Hard at Work: The Changing Face of Labour in Southeast Asia
• NEP3001/NEP3001A Impact Experience Project (only offered to NUSC students)
• RVN2000 Engaging Communities in Sustainability (only offered to RVRC students)
• RVN2001 The Great Extinction: Rewilding and Conservation (only offered to RVRC students)
• RVN2002 Wild Asia: Conservation Matters (only offered to RVRC students)
• RVN2003 Understanding Disability and Fostering Inclusivity (only offered to RVRC students)
• UCV2209/NHS2053 The Heterogeneous Indians of Contemporary Singapore (only offered to NUSC students)
• UHB2213/NHS2027 Engaging and Building Communities (only offered to NUSC students)
• Biomedical Engineering students may read BN4102 and BN4103.
• Community Development & Leadership Minor students may read CLC1101, CLC2204, CLC3303, CLC3304A, or CLC3307.
• Communications & New Media students may read NM4230.
• School of Computing students may read CP3107 or CP3110.
• Southeast Asian Studies students may read SE3216 or SE3226.
• Bachelor of Music students must read MUA2163.

• NUSC students students from cohort AY2022-23 must read NEP3001/NEP3001A.
• RVRC students must read one of these courses if they are admitted from AY2022-23 onwards: RVN2000, RVN2001, RVN2002 or RVN2003.
• USP students may read UCV2209/NHS2053, UHB2213/NHS2027, CLC1101 or NEP3001A.
For more details about the Communities and Engagement Pillar, please click here.