List of Emeritus Professors


Chay Oh Moh, MBBS University of Singapore, MMed(Paeds) National University of Singapore, M. Soc (Counselling) University of Adelaide,  FAMS, FRCPCH  2024 
YONG Kwet Yew BBM, PBM, PPA(P), PhD (Sheffield), BEng (Sheffield), PEng, FIES  2024 
Tan Kiang Hwee, PEng, FIES, FJCI, FJSCE, Dr.Eng. University of Tokyo, M.Eng. National University of Singapore, B.Eng. Tokyo Institute of Technology  2024 
Hang Chang Chieh, DSc (Warwick), PhD (Warwick), BEng (NUS), FIES, FIEEE, FSAEng, International FRAEng  2024 
Teo, Chee Leong, PhD (UC Berkeley), MEng, BEng, (NUS)  2024 
Ong Choon Nam, BSc Nanyang University, MSc University of London, PhD University of Manchester 2024 
Lee Chuen Neng, MBBS University of Singapore, FAMS (Cardiothoracic Surgery), FRACS, FRCS (Edin), FRCS (Glas) 2024 
Lye Lin Heng, LLB (Hons), University of Singapore, LLM (Kings College, London), LLM (Harvard), Advocate & Solicitor, Singapore, PBM 2024
R. Manjunatha Kini, BSc University of Mysore, India, MSc University of Mysore, India, PhD University of Mysore, India, FZSI 2024
Zhao Gongyun, BSc & MSc Xiamen University, China; PhD University of Wuerzburg, Germany 2024
Chen Zehua, BSc Wuhan University, MSc University of Iowa, PhD University of Wisconsin-Madison 2024 
Karl Tryggvason, M.D, Ph.D. University of Oulu 2024 
Ho Lai Yun, MBBS (University of Singapore), M.Med (Paediatrics) (University of Singapore), FAMS, FRCP (London, Edinburgh, Ireland), FRCPCH (UK), FACP, FAAP, FRACP (Hon), BBM (L), JP 2023
Steven George Rozen, BA, University of California; MS, PhD, New York University 2023
Tan Tai Yong, BA(Hons) Sing, MA Sing, PhD Cambridge 2023
Shirlena Huang Swee Lian, BA (Hons) National University of Singapore, MA National University of Singapore, PhD University of Toronto 2023
Chow Gan Moog, BS, SUNY at Stony Brook; MS, PhD, UConn; FIMMM
Lee Tat Leang, MBBS University of Singapore, MMed (Anaesthesia) National University of Singapore, FFARACS, FANZCA 2023
Oh Min Sen Vernon, BA Hons Cambridge, MBBChir, MD Cambridge, FRCP, FACP, FRCPEdin, FAMS, FCPS (Hon) 2023
Kandiah Satkunanantham, MBBS University of Singapore, M Med Surgery, FRCS (England), FRCS (Edin), FAMS, PBS,  PBM, PPA(E), PJG 2023
V Prem Kumar, MBBS University of Singapore, FRCS (Edinburgh), FRCS (Glasgow), FAMS 2023
Low Poh Sim, MBBS University of Singapore, MMed (Paediatrics) University of Singapore, MD National University of Singapore, FRACP, FRCPE, FRCPCH 2023
Quak Seng Hock, MBBS, M Med (Paediatrics), MD, FRCP (Glasgow), FRCPCH, FAMS, FAMM 2023
Roy Joseph, MBBS, Madras University, M.Med (Paediatrics) National University of Singapore, FRCPCH, FAMS, PBM 2023
Quah Thuan Chong, MBBS University of Singapore, MMed (Pediatrics) National University of Singapore 2023
Aileen Wee, MBBS University of Singapore, FRCPA, FRCPath 2023
Kua Ee Heok, MBBS University of Malaya, MD National University of Singapore, FRCPsych(UK), PBM, BBM 2023
Krishnakumar Madhavan, MBBS, MS, FRCS 2023
Bernard Yeung, BA (hons, Math and Economics, University of Western Ontario), MBA & PhD (U of Chicago Booth) 2023
Duan Jin-Chuan, BSc National Taiwan University, MBA State University of New York at Albany, PhD University of Wisconsin-Madison 2023
Ding Jeak Ling, BSc (Hons) University of Wales, Cardiff; PhD University of London, Royal Postgraduate Medical School; Fellow SNAS 2023
Feng Yuan Ping, FAPS, FIPS, AAPAM 2023
Kuk Yung Cheung, Anthony, PhD Stanford, BA Rutgers 2023
Chua Beng Huat, B.Sc. (Biology and Chemistry, Acadia University, Nova Scotia, Canada; MA and PhD, Sociology, York University, Toronto, Canada.) 2023
Leo Tan Wee Hin, BSc(Hons) Sing, PhD(Sing), FSNAS, FSIBiol, PJG, BBM, PPA(E)(L), JP 2023
Ang Beng Wah, PhD (Cambridge), BSc (Nanyang) 2022
Chew Soo Hong, FTC (City & Guilds), MA (Claremont), PhD (UBC) 2022
Chow Yean Khow, PhD (Manchester), MSc (Manchester), BSc (Manchester), PEng, MIES 2022
Sandy Cook,  BSc (Experimental Psychology), Ohio State University; MA (Research Methodology), Ohio State University; PhD (Adult and Continuing Education), Cornell University 2022
Shamal Das De, MBBS (University of Calcutta), FRCS (Eng) (Royal College of Surgeons of England), FRCS (Edin) (Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh), FRCS.Orth (Edin) (Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh), MCh.Orth (University of Liverpool), MD (Sing) (National University of Singapore), FAMS (Sing) (Academy of Medicine, Singapore), Emeritus Consultant (National University Hospital) 2022
James Goh Cho Hong, PhD (Strathclyde), CEng (UK), FIES, FAAET, FAIMBE, FIAMBE, FIUPESM 2022
Ho Chi Lui Paul, BPharm (Hons), PhD (QLD) 2022
Ip Yuen Kwong, BS University of Minnesota, MA Rice University, PhD Rice University 2022
Kang En-Tang, PhD (Chem. Eng.) State University of New York-Buffalo, MSc (Chem. Eng.) State University of New York-Buffalo, BSc (Chem. Eng.) University of Wisconsin-Madison, BA (Chem.) University of Nebraska-Lincoln, FRSC 2022
Tommy Koh, LLB, University of Malaya, LLM, Harvard University, Dip. Criminology, Cambridge University, LLD (Hon) Yale, LLD (Hon), Monash 2022
Lai Choy Heng, AB with Honor in Physics, SM, PhD The University of Chicago, FSNAS, FIPS 2022
Lee Eng Hin, PPA(P), PBM, MD (Western Ontario, Canada), FRCS(C) Orthopaedic Surgery (Canada), FRCS(Edinburgh) Ad Eundum, FRCS(Glasgow) Ad Hominem, FAMS (Singapore) 2022
Lee Fook Hou, PhD (Cantab), PE (Civil), SPE (Geotech), FSAEng 2022
Neoh Koon Gee, ScD (Chem.Eng.), MIT, BSc (Chem. Eng.) MIT 2022
Jeffrey Dan Pinsler, LLB (Hons) Liverpool, LL.M (Cambridge); LL.D (Liverpool); Barrister-at-Law; Senior Counsel 2022
Wang Shu, Bachelor of Medicine, Fudan University, Med Dr/PhD, University of Göteborg 2022
Wong Poh Kam, SB (MIT), SM(MIT), EE(MIT) and PhD(MIT) 2022
Wong Sek Man, BSc (Biology) Nanyang University, MSc (Plant Pathology) West Virginia University, PhD (Plant Pathology) Cornell University, PBM.
Walter Woon Cheong Ming, LL.B (NUS), LL.M (Cantab), Senior Counsel of Supreme Court of Singapore 2022
Chew Yong Tian, BEng (UWA), MEngSc (UWA), PhD (Cambridge), PEng, FIES, Hon. Fellow IES, Hon. Fellow SIAE, Hon. Fellow AFEO, Fellow AAET, FSAEng 2021
Chou Siaw Kiang, BEng University of Singapore, D.E.A., Dr-Ing ENSAM Paris, FIES, FASHRAE, FSAEng, FEI, FAAET, FAFEO
Chung Tai-Shung (Neal), PEng, PhD State University of New York at Buffalo, MEng, National Taiwan University, BEng, Chung Yuan Christian University 
Lee Hian Kee, B.Sc. (Hons), Ph.D., University of Canterbury, FRSC, FSNAS, FASc 2021
Lee Jim Yang, PhD, MSE (Michigan), BSc (Hons 1st class, University of Singapore), PEng, FSAEng  
Lee Jon Deoon, Edmund, MBBS University of Singapore, MMed (Internal Medicine) University of Singapore, PhD (UNSW)
Ling Tok Wang, BSc. In Mathematics, Nanyang University; BSc. (Hons 1) in Mathematics, Nanyang University;  M. Math. in Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Canada; PhD in Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Canada; ACM Distinguished Scientist, Life Senior member of IEEE, Fellow of SCS (Singapore).
Prabhakaran Krishnan, MBBS (Singapore), FRCSEd (General Surgery), FRCS (General Surgery) (Glasgow), MMed (General Surgery) (Singapore), FAMS (Singapore)
Seah Kar Heng, PhD Queen’s University, Canada, MSc Queen’s University, Canada, BSc University of Southampton, UK
Victor Shim Phyau Wui, PhD Cambridge; MEng NUS; BE (First Class Honours) Auckland; SnrMIES; PEng Singapore
Tan Lee Meng, LL.B (Hons) (University of Singapore), LL.M (London), Advocate and Solicitor, Singapore
Tan Yock Lin, BSc (Eng) (Hons) ACGI (Imperial College), Dipl Econ Devt, BA, BCL (Oxon)
Teo Keang Sood, LLM Harvard, LLB LLM Malaya, Advocate & Solicitor Singapore & Malaya, PBM
Jagadese J. Vittal, BSc University of Madras, MSc Madurai University, PhD Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, FRCS, FSNIC, FICS  2021
Yeo Swee Ping, PhD (London), MA (Cambridge) 2021
Zhang Jie, PhD 2021
Ariff Bongso, PhD (Canada), MSc (Canada), FRCOG (UK), DSc (S'pore), FSNAS (S'pore), DSc (SL), FSLCOG (SL), DVM (Cey)
Robert Charles Beckman, BBA, JD (Wisconsin), LLM (Harvard)
Cheah Jin Seng, MBBS (Hons) University of Singapore, MD University of Singapore, FACP, FRCP Edin, PBM, DSIS.
Chin Tet Yung, LLB(Lond); BCL (Oxon); Dip Econs (LSE) Barrister at Law Inner Temple
Chua Soo Jin, PhD (Wales), BEng (Hons. 1st Class) University of Singapore, Sr Member OSA and IEEE
Goh Thong Ngee, B.E.(Great Distinction) University of Saskatchewan, PhD University of Wisconsin–Madison, Peng
Hao GONG, PhD (TU Delft), MSc (Yunnan), BSc (Yunnan)
S. Jayakumar, LLB (University of Singapore), LLM (Yale Law School)
Basant K Kapur, BSocSci. (Hon Cl I) University of Singapore, AM Stanford University, Ph.D Stanford University
Charanjit Kaur, BSc, MBBS, PhD
Lee Soo Ann, B.A Hons (Malaya), M.A. (Williams College), Ph.D (Singapore), M.C.S. (Regent College), PBM
Leong Wai Kum, LLB University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur, LLM Harvard University
LEUNG Chun Fai, PEng (Geotechnical), CEng, MICE, SrMIES, PhD (Liverpool), BEng (Liverpool)
Paul Thomas Matsudaira, BA, BS University of Washington, PhD Dartmouth
Nhan Phan-Thien, PhD (Sydney), BE (Sydney, Medallist), FAA, FAAET
Ong Say Leong, PhD (Toronto), MESc (Western Ontario), BEng (Singapore), PEng, FIES, FIWA, D.WRE, BBM
Gade Pandu Rangaiah, B.Tech. (Andhra University), M.Tech. (IIT Kanpur), Ph.D. (Monash University)
Jie Sun, BS (Equivalent) Tsinghua University, MS, PhD University of Washington
S Vasoo, PhD,  M SocWk  (HKU), Dip Soc. Studies (Distinction) University of Singapore 2020
A Jon Berrick, BSc (Hons) Sydney, DPhil Oxford
Chew Chong Lin, BDS, MDS, PhD Singapore, MSD, Cert (Fixed & Remov Prostho) Indiana, USA
Chou Loke Ming, PhD University of Singapore, FSNAS, FSIBiol
Fwa Tien Fang, PEng, FIES, PhD (Purdue University), MASc (University of Waterloo), BEng (University of Singapore)
Matthew Gwee Choon Eng, BPharm (Hon), University of Singapore;  MHPE, University of New South Wales; PhD, University of Singapore
KAM Pooi-Yuen, PhD (MIT), SM (MIT), SB (MIT), Fellow IEEE / IES
Rajendran Kanagasuntheram,  MBBS University of Singapore, FRCS Edinburgh
Liew Ah Choy, B.E.(Hons) Queensland, Ph.D. Queensland., P.Eng.(S), P.Eng.(M), F.I.E.S., F.I.E.M., Sr.M.I.E.E.E., P.B.M.
John Norman Miksic, BA (Anthropology) Dartmouth College , MA (International Studies) Ohio University, MA, PhD (Anthropology) Cornell University
M. Sornarajah, LLB (Ceylon) LLM (Yale) LLM, PhD, LLD (London), Attorney at Law (Sri Lanka) Advocate and Solicitor, High Court of Singapore, Solicitor (England and Wales)
Somsak Swaddiwudhipong, PhD (HKU), MEng (AIT), BEng (Chula), MIES, FEIT, PEng
Tan Teck Koon, PhD, BSc (Hons), BSc University of Singapore, Master of Counselling (Advanced), Swinburne, FSIB, TAP (USATAA)
Lawrence Wong Wai Choong, PhD (Loughborough), BSc (Loughborough), FIES, FSAEng
Yeo Tat Soon, PhD (U of Cant), FIEEE, FIET, FIES, FEMA, PEng, CEng, ACPE
Lim Hock, BSc (Hons) University of Singapore, PhD University of Reading UK, FSNAS, FIPS, PPA(P), PBM, Chevalier des Palmes Académiques
Andrew Nee Yeh Ching, DEng (UMIST), PhD (Manchester), MSc (UMIST), FCIRP, FSME, FSAEng 2018
Lee Hin Peng, MBBS University of Singapore, MSc (Public Health) University of Singapore, MFCM, FFPH 2017
Tan Kheng Ann, Lenny, MBBS University of Singapore, DMRD, FRCR, FRACR (Hon), FRANZCR, FRCPEdin 2017
Bernard Tan Tiong Gie, BSc (Hons) Sing, DPhil Oxford, FSNAS, FIPS, FInstP, CEng, MIET, LRSM, FTCL, DipFM (ACCA), PPA, BBM(L) 2017
Oh Choo Hiap, PhD, BSc(Hons), University of Otago 2016
Shirish Shenolikar, PhD University of Leeds, BSc (Hons) University College, London 2016
Duane J. Gubler, BSc Utah State University, MSc University of Hawaii, ScD The Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health 2016
Louis Chen Hsiao Yun, PhD, MS Stanford University, BSc (Hons) University of Singapore 2015
Ten Chin Liew, FAHA, FASSA, MA University of London, BA (Hons) University of Malaya 2015
Augustus John Rush, M.D. Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, NY, USA 2014
Cheong Hin Fatt, PEng, FIES, PhD Colorado State University, MSc University of Cincinnati, BEng, University of Singapore 2014
Doyle G. Graham, M.D., PhD Duke U 2014
P. Gopalakrisnakone, DSc NUS, PhD Lond, MBBS U Ceylon, FAMS(Singapore) 2014
Ling Eng Ang, DSc NUS,  PhD U Cambridge, BSc National Taiwan University 2013
Hew Choy Leong, PhD U British Comumbia, MSc Simon Fraser, BSc Nanyang U 2009
Goh Suat Hong, DSc NUS, PhD MSc Akron U, BSc Nanyang U 2008
Sit(Wong) Kim Ping, DSc NUS, PhD MSc McGill U, BSc (Hons), U Sing 2008
Chan Soh Ha, FAMS, FRCPA, PhD U Melbourne, MBBS Monash U 2007
Koh Kheng Lian, PhD , LLM, LLB (Hons) Sing., Diplôme de Hautes Études Internationales (HEI, U Geneva), Advocate & Solicitor Sing 2007
Chia Boon Lock, MBBS Sing., FRACP, FRCP Ed, FACC, FAMS 2006
Pho Robert Wan Heng, MBBS, MD U Sydney; FRCS Ed. 2005
Lam Toong Jin, PhD, BSc (Hons) U British Columbia 2003
Edward Tock Peng Chong, PhD Lond., MD Sing., MBBS Malaya, FRCPA, FCAP, FRCPath, FCGP (Hons), FAMS, PPA, Officier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Academiques 2000
Ang How Ghee, DSc Sing., PhD Camb., PhD Monash, MA Camb., MSc BSc (Hons) Malaya, PBM, BBM 1999
E. Peter Ellinger, D. Phil. Oxford; M.Jur (Jerusalem) 1998
Edwin Thumboo, PhD Sing., BA (Hons) Malaya, BBM, BBM (Lintang) 1997
Huang Hsing Hua, DSc Sing., DPhil Oxf., MSc BSc (Hons) Malaya, FRSC, FSNIC, FRACI, PPA 1997
S Shan Ratnam, DSc (Hon), MD, MBBS (Hons), FRACS, FICS, FACS, FRCOG, FRCS, FRCSGlas, FRCSEd, MRCOG 1996
Lim Chong Yah, DPhil Oxf., MA BA Malaya, BBM, PJG 1992
Lee Seng Lip, PhD Calif, MSE Mich, BSCE Mapua IT Manila, FIES, FICE, FASCE, CEng, PEng, PPA 1990
Wong Hock Boon, MBBS Malaya, FRACP, FRCP, FRCP Ed, FRCPGlas, FICP, DCH Lond, PJG, PPA 1988
Kanagaratnam Shanmugaratnam, PhD DCP Lond; MD Malaya, LMS KE VII Coll. Med., FRC Path, FRCPA, FCAP, PPA 1986
Ragunathar Kanagasuntheram, PhD, MBBS, FZS 1981



Doctor of Science

You Poh Seng, PhD, BSc(Econ), FIS, BBM 1978
Thomas Harold Elliott, BSc, PhD, FPS, FRIC, DBA 1973
Gordon Arthur Ransome, CBE, PJG, FRCP, MRCS, MRCP, DTM&H, HonMD 1972
Kiang Ai Kim, DipSc, BSc, PhD, FRIC, FSIC 1971
Ernest Steven Monteiro, DCH, FRCP, FRFPS, CBE, BBM, MD 1965
Hamish Boyd Gilliland, DSc, FLS, MIBoil 1965


Robert Anthony Robinson, OBE, MA, PhD, DSc. FRSE 1960
Thomas Henry Silcock, MA, DPhil 1960
Alexander Oppenheim, OBE, MA, PhD, DSc, FRSE 1959
John Caister Cooke, MA, Dip Ed 1957
David Eric Cameron Mekie, OBE, MB, ChB, FRCS 1955