Thought Leadership

Some of the world’s leaders, and leading thinkers from NUS and overseas, regularly gather and add to the rich diversity of thoughts and ideas on our campuses, in Singapore and across the globe.
Here’s what they had to share.

Improved meritocracy can focus on skills, training, and career progression

Improved meritocracy can focus on skills, training, and career progression

Terence Ho 15 Jul 2022

Associate Professor in Practice at NUS’ Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Terence Ho, reflects on meritocracy in Singapore, which tends to focus disproportionately on the education system to give children a good start. He opines that fostering a more open and compassionate meritocracy requires us to look beyond just the early schooling years, and consider how to provide opportunities for progression through a person's working life, through skills upgrading, progressive wages, and potential shifts in public policy.

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