Thought Leadership

Some of the world’s leaders, and leading thinkers from NUS and overseas, regularly gather and add to the rich diversity of thoughts and ideas on our campuses, in Singapore and across the globe.
Here’s what they had to share.

Has the European Experiment Failed?

Speaker: Prof Romano Prodi, Former Prime Minister of Italy 16 Mar 2016

Prof Prodi discussed the future of the European Union and the importance of EU countries working together at the Temasek Distinguished Visitor Series Lecture. The event was hosted at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at NUS.

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Maybe JB: Can Johor’s infrastructure cope with its rising popularity?

Maybe JB: Can Johor’s infrastructure cope with its rising popularity?

Speaker: Dr Serina Abdul Rahman, Lecturer from the Dept of Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, at NUS 5 Jul 2024