Thought Leadership

Some of the world’s leaders, and leading thinkers from NUS and overseas, regularly gather and add to the rich diversity of thoughts and ideas on our campuses, in Singapore and across the globe.
Here’s what they had to share.

Buyers of BTO flats in prime areas need to be far-sighted

Buyers of BTO flats in prime areas need to be far-sighted

Speakers: Sing Tien Foo and Zhou Xuefeng 3 Dec 2022

Many have expressed reservations about buying Prime Location Public Housing (PLH) flats due to the more stringent restrictions attached to the purchase, including a 10-year minimum occupation period, among others. In this commentary, Professor Sing Tien Foo, Provost\'s Chair Professor at NUS Business School\'s Department of Real Estate, and Zhou Xuefeng, a Senior Research Associate at the NUS Institute of Real Estate and Urban Studies (IREUS), encourage potential buyers to adopt a long-term mindset when it comes to PLH flats, and to consider the advantages of building a dream home in Singapore’s city centre. They point out that if not for the PLH model, it would probably be too expensive for the average Singaporean to live in Singapore’s central areas, given exorbitantly high land costs.

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