Admissions Assessment

Admission to the University is assessed based on a holistic approach. Prospective students are generally expected to have a good academic record in addition to satisfying the subject prerequisites for the programmes they are applying to. Besides academic grades, other factors such as the applicant’s interests, prior preparation, and aptitude for the chosen undergraduate degree programme can be used to admit the applicant. This approach reflects the university's commitment to considering the broader qualities and experiences that applicants bring to the academic community.

Interview/tests are required for specific undergraduate degree programmes, including Architecture, Dentistry, Industrial Design, Landscape Architecture, Law, Medicine, Music, Nursing and Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE).

Applicants who are Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents, or flow-through foreign students* must be at least 18 years old by 1st January of matriculation year or have completed at least 12 years of formal education starting from Primary 1 or equivalent.

Those not meeting this requirement will be contacted by the University for educational history verification for MOE assessment.

* Flow-through foreign students are those who completed tertiary education in schools in Singapore such as Junior Colleges, Millennia Institute, polytechnics, or Specialized Independent Schools like NUS High School, School of the Arts, and Singapore Sports School.

    Admissions to NUS Undergraduate Programmes

    Identify your application group based on the qualification you hold and click on the corresponding link to access detailed information about the admissions requirements and procedures.

    Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level

    21 February 2025 to 19 March 2025

    Polytechnic Diplomas from Singapore

    18 December 2024 to 5 February 2025

    NUS High School Diploma

    6 December 2024 to 31 December 2024

    International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma

    6 December 2024 to 5 February 2025

    Singapore Citizens/Singapore Permanent Residents with International Qualifications

    Refer to the Important Dates page for details on relevant application windows

    International Students with International Qualifications

    Refer to the Important Dates page for details on relevant application windows

    Transfer Applicants

    Refer to the Important Dates page for details on relevant application windows


    Apply Online
    Track Application Status Via The Applicants Portal
    Attend Admission Assessment Interviews and/or Tests
    Application Outcome Released Via the Applicant Portal
    Accept Our Offers

    Check the Admission Requirements and Programme Prerequisites for different applicant types.

    Apply online via the application form (refer to Application Guides and Sample Forms).

    Submit supporting documents electronically.

    Pay application fee.


    After submitting your application, log in to the Applicant Portal using your application number and PIN to check on the status of your application.

    Make any changes to your details and submit supporting documents through the Applicant Portal.

    For enquiries, write to Ask Admissions for assistance.


    You will be updated via email and the Applicant Portal if you are required to attend any admissions interviews/tests for specific programmes or Aptitude Based Admissions.

    Applicants should refer to instructions in email for the assessment interview and/or test.


    Applicants with Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level, Polytechnic Diploma from Singapore, NUS High School Diploma and International Baccalaureate Diploma qualifications will be informed of the outcome no later than May 2025.

    Applicants who wish to appeal against admission outcome may submit an online appeal via Applicant Portal from 21 May (10am SGT) to 26 May (11:59pm SGT) 2025. Click here for more details

    Applicants who are writing the IB examination in May will receive the outcome no later than the second week of July 2025.

    Applicants with International Qualifications and Transfer Applicants will be informed of the outcome by July 2025.

    Successful applicants will be offered only one programme of study. The electronic admission offer letter will serve as the official document from NUS. No hardcopy offer package will be sent.


    Acceptance of offer must be carried out through the Applicant Portal before the deadline. Follow all indicated instructions to accept the offer.


    Essential steps to complete your undergraduate admissions application.

    Please remember to check the Important Dates page for the application opening date/deadline, as well as other deadlines such as financial aid and scholarship applications.

    Review available undergraduate degree programmes and the programme prerequisites for your qualification.

    There is only one application window for each application category each year. Complete and submit your online application before the application window closes.

    If you are offered a place in the University, you will only  be offered the choice highest on your list of preferences, which you are eligible for. Keep in mind the relevance of the First Choice Bonus Points Scheme.

    As part of the application, you are required to indicate up to three achievements and answer five short response questions. Answer these honestly and in your own words as they will be considered as part of your holistic assessment.

    Click here to view a sample of the mandatory five short response questions.

    You are required to ensure that all information submitted is true and accurate. Any error and/or discrepancy may result in the retraction of offers issued.

    Have any questions?

    The NUS Office of Admissions (OAM) recognises the importance of data protection and is committed to safeguarding personal data by complying with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012. OAM collects personal data in the form of name, NRIC, email address, home address or telephone number, to positively identify individuals and match against academic data provided by Singapore Ministry of Education and education institutions. Personal information will only be collected when necessary and when it has been supplied with consent. OAM will not share personal data with non-Government entities, except where such entities have been authorised to carry out specific Government services.

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