Overview and Eligibility for Incoming Undergraduate Students Reading iBLOCs/Special Term Courses

Eligibility for Incoming Undergraduate Students Reading Internal Blended Learning Online Courses (iBLOCs)/Special Term Courses

Financially needy incoming prospective full-time undergraduate students reading iBLOCs/Special Term Courses with PCI ≤ S$2,700 and who have deferred their studies for and completed their National Service obligations have the following options available to finance their iBLOCs/Special Term Courses:

1) NUS Financial Aid Package comprising the NUS Study Loan (covering tuition fees only);

2) MOE Tuition Fee Loan#;

3) Central Provident Fund (CPF) Education Loan Scheme (CLS)#;

4) MENDAKI Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy (TTFS)& and

5) Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA)# (covering tuition fees only).

# PCI criteria is not applicable
& PCI ≤ S$2,000

Gross Monthly Household Per Capita Income (PCI) Computation Formula

Gross income of family members in householdTotal number of family members in household

Important Notes

Financially needy prospective NUS full-time undergraduate students who are Returning National Servicemen and are reading Internal Blended Learning Online Courses (iBLOCs) or Special Term Courses can submit ONE Financial Aid Application from early November to mid-January every year to be considered for the NUS Financial Aid Package, for their (a) iBLOCs or Special Term Courses and (b) the upcoming Academic Year in August (separate application is not required).

The information below will only include the schemes applicable to students reading the Internal Blended Learning Online Courses (iBLOCs) or Special Term Courses only. For the details for full-time undergraduates, see “Overview & Eligibility for Full-time Undergraduates”.

Overview of Financial Aid Schemes

SchemesEligibilityAnnual Quantum for Full-time Undergraduates*Application Requirements
NUS-administered Financial Aid SchemesSubmit ONE Financial Aid Application to Office of Financial Aid to be considered for the NUS-administered Financial Aid Package
MOE Study LoanSingapore Citizens with PCI ≤ S$2,700Up to 20% of Singapore Citizens’ subsidised tuition fees
Externally-administered Schemes
Submit a separate application to the external organisation from December to January if aid is required to cover tuition fees
MOE Tuition Fee LoanSingapore Citizens with PCI ≤ S$2,700Up to 90% of Singapore Citizens’ subsidised tuition fees and S$3,600DBS or OCBC
Central Provident Fund Education Loan Scheme (Repayable after graduation)Undergraduates receiving Ministry of Education (MOE) Tuition Grant regardless of neediness, only for Special Term coursesUp to 100% of subsidised tuition feesCentral Provident Fund (CPF)
MENDAKI Tertiary Tuition Fee SubsidyMalay Singapore Citizen undergraduates receiving MOE Tuition Grant with PCI ≤ S$2,000, only for Special Term courses50% to 100% of subsidised tuition feesYayasan MENDAKI
Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA)Undergraduates regardless of needinessUp to 100% of tuition feesMOE (Through NUS)
  • The detailed eligibility and annual quantum for specific groups of students may vary for individual schemes and can be found on the specific web pages for each scheme.

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