Application Fee Payment
Application Fee Payment
A non-refundable application fee of $10 (all applicants except International Students with International Qualifications) or S$20 (International Students with International Qualifications), inclusive of prevailing Goods & Services Tax, is charged for
each application to NUS undergraduate programmes (except Music). Payment must be made by the application closing date and each applicant should submit only one application form.
We accept payment through the following methods.
The processing time for your application fee payment will depend on the payment method. You can check if your payment has been received through the Applicant Portal.
- Electronic Payment: Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, AliPay or PayNow (Preferred method).
Payment can be made through the 'Pay Application Fee' facility on the Applicant Portal after you have submitted your application. Please note that debit cards are not accepted.
The payment status will be updated three working days after the payment has been received. - Cheque/bank draft made payable to 'National University of Singapore'.
Write your full name, application number, mailing address, and telephone number on the reverse side of the cheque. No payment receipt will be issued.
The payment status will be updated at least seven working days after NUS has received the cheque/bank draft.
Other forms of payment, such as cash, bank transfer, internet banking or NETS are not accepted.
The above payment processing time will still apply to applicants who make payment on the application closing date.