Aptitude-Based Admissions
Aptitude-Based Admissions
The University is adopting a holistic approach when assessing applicants for admissions into their chosen degree programmes. This means that besides academic grades, other factors, such as the applicant’s interest, aptitude, and prior preparation,
will be used to admit the applicant. This holistic assessment subsumes the Aptitude-Based Admission of earlier years. Besides providing grades, all applicants for all degree programmes will now be required to list up to four achievements, co-curricular
activities, or non-academic activities (e.g. volunteering work, competitive sports) and answer short response questions.
Examples of achievements you may indicate include (but are not limited to):
- Medals won at the International Olympiads (Biology, Chemistry, Informatics, Mathematics and Physics)
- Represented Singapore in arts or sports competitions
- Participation in community service and volunteering work
- Internship or notable work experience related to your degree choices
- Key leadership positions in community service, or sports/arts associations, outside the school
- Leading role in entrepreneurship efforts
- Creation of a new software or app, or contribution to an open-source software, that is used by many people
Note that each College / Faculty / School considers different factors for its holistic assessment. If you are shortlisted, you may be asked to provide additional information specific to that College / Faculty / School, or be required to take a test, or attend an interview. These will be communicated to you at the appropriate time.
Click here to view a sample of the mandatory short response questions. The questions have been refreshed for AY2025.