Important Dates and Application

Important Dates and Application

Dates are subject to revisions. Refer to the information below for the latest updates. 




Application Period

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NUS Scholarships

- NUS Global Merit Scholarship
- NUS Merit Scholarship
- NUS Sports Scholarship
- NUS Performing & Visual Arts Scholarship

Singapore Cambridge GCE A Level, local Polytechnic Diploma or equivalent qualifications (e.g., International Baccalaureate Diploma, NUS High School Diploma)

1 February to 19 March 2025. Only one common application is required.

Applicants who are interested in the
Temasek Foundation – Union Scholarship and the Wee Cho Yaw Future Leaders Award must apply for both NUS Scholarships and NUS Financial Aidin the year of matriculation.

Applicants seeking NUS Financial Aid must do so by 1 April 2025, after an admission application is submitted.



Click here for useful links (including Application Guide, Application Portal and scholarship Referee Portal).

If you are a Returning National Servicemen (RNS) applicant with a reserved course, refer to page 4 of the
Application Guide before you apply.

Stephen Riady Young Entrepreneur Scholarship

Temasek Foundation – Union Scholarship

Wee Cho Yaw Future Leaders Award

Lee Kuan Yew Scholarship to Encourage Upgrading (LKY-STEP) Award

Local Polytechnic Diploma

April /May 2025

NUS is the Secretariat for LKY-STEP Award in Academic Year 2025/2026. Click here to apply directly with the Secretariat during the application period.

University Engineering Scholarship (UES)

Local Polytechnic Diploma

April /May 2025

SIT is the Secretariat for UES in Academic Year 2025/2026. Click here to apply directly with the Secretariat during the application period.


Get ready
Submit your application
Attend scholarship interview(s)
Check application outcome
Accept scholarship offer if offered
Refer to the NUS Scholarships Application Guide and gather all relevant supporting documents.



Application Period

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ASEAN Undergraduate Scholarship

Citizens of ASEAN countries (excluding Singapore),

High school qualifications eligible for admission to NUS

Based on admissions application timeline.

All eligible students will be considered for the scholarship through their application for undergraduate admission to NUS.

Science & Technology Undergraduate Scholarship

Citizens of an Asian country or region (excluding Singapore),

High school qualifications eligible for admission to NUS

Based on admissions application timeline.

All eligible students will be considered for the scholarship through their application for undergraduate admission to NUS.

NUS International Undergraduate Scholarship

Citizens of all countries, (excluding Singapore )

High school qualifications eligible for admission to NUS

Based on admissions application timeline.

All eligible students will be considered for the scholarship through their application for undergraduate admission to NUS.

Lee Kuan Yew Scholarship to Encourage Upgrading (LKY-STEP) Award

Local Polytechnic Diploma

April /May 2025

NUS is the Secretariat for LKY-STEP Award in Academic Year 2025/2026. Click here to apply directly with the Secretariat during the application period.

University Engineering Scholarship (UES)

Local Polytechnic Diploma

April /May 2025

SIT is the Secretariat for UES in Academic Year 2025/2026. Click here to apply directly with the Secretariat during the application period.



Application Period

Apply Now

ASEAN Undergraduate Scholarship

Citizens of ASEAN countries (excluding Singapore),

High school qualifications eligible for admission to NUS

Based on admissions application timeline.

All eligible students will be considered for the scholarship through their application for undergraduate admission to NUS.

Science & Technology Undergraduate Scholarship

Citizens of an Asian country or region (excluding Singapore),

High school qualifications eligible for admission to NUS

Based on admissions application timeline.

All eligible students will be considered for the scholarship through their application for undergraduate admission to NUS.

NUS International Undergraduate Scholarship

Citizens of all countries, (excluding Singapore )

High school qualifications eligible for admission to NUS

Based on admissions application timeline.

All eligible students will be considered for the scholarship through their application for undergraduate admission to NUS



Application Period

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Scholarships Administered by NUS Faculties/Offices


Application period varies.

Refer to the respective pages for more information.
Singapore Citizens
Singapore Permanent Residents
International Students

Scholarships Administered by External Organisations


Application period varies.



Application Period

Apply Now

Scholarships Administered by NUS Office of Financial Aid


17 January to 31 July annually.

Refer to the respective webpage for more information.

Scholarships Administered by NUS Faculties/Offices


Application period varies.

Scholarships Administered by External Organisations


Application period varies.


Please submit your scholarship enquiries here.


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