Financial Aid Calendar and Disbursement Schedule

Disbursement of Financial Aid

Financial aid is awarded for the academic year and disbursed each semester based on a student’s enrolment status. Different aid schemes may disburse at different times as follows:

No.Financial Aid SchemeApplication/Acceptance TimelineDisbursement Timeline (funds credited will be reflected in Student Account in Education Records System)Usage/Receipt of Funds (funds credited will be reflected in student's bank account)&
1MOE Tuition Fee Loan (previously known as Tuition Fee Loan)+Apply by July (Semester 1)

Apply by January (Semester 2)

Apply after July/January
By mid-September (Semester 1)

By mid-February (Semester 2)

Up to 4 weeks from the application date
Funds will be used to offset tuition fees
2Central Provident Fund (CPF) Education Loan Scheme+ Apply by mid-July (Semester 1)

Apply by early December (Semester 2)

By mid-September (Semester 1)

By end-January (Semester 2)

Funds will be used to offset tuition fees
3MENDAKI Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy+Apply by end-July (Semester 1)

Apply by January (Semester 2)

By mid-September (Semester 1)

By end-January (Semester 2)
Funds will be used to offset tuition fees
4Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA)+ (Standing Order)Apply by early-August (Semester 1)

Apply by December (Semester 2)
By mid-September (Semester 1)

By early-February (Semester 2)
Funds will be used to offset tuition fees and miscellaneous fees
5Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA)+ (AD-HOC Withdrawal – Tertiary Tuition Fee-Course)Apply by mid-August (Semester 1)

Apply by mid-January (Semester 2)
Up to 6 weeks after application dateFunds will be used to offset tuition fees and/or miscellaneous fees
6MOE Study Loan (previously known as NUS Study Loan)


NUS Student Assistance Loan
Sign agreement by mid-September (Semester 1)Up to 4 weeks after the agreement signed dateFunds will be used to offset any outstanding fees. Any balance will be credited to your bank account by end September
Sign agreement by end-January (Semester 2) Up to 4 weeks after the agreement signed date Funds will be used to offset any outstanding fees. Any balance will be credited to your bank account by mid-February
Sign agreement after mid-September (Semester 1) and after end-January (Semester 2)Up to 4 weeks after the agreement signed dateFunds will be used to offset any outstanding fees. Any balance will be credited to your bank account, 4 to 6 weeks after the agreement signed date
7Higher Education Bursary


Higher Education Community Bursary


Residential Programme Bursary


Residential College Bursary
Accept by early-September (Semester 1)By mid-September (Semester 1)Funds will be used to offset any outstanding fees. Any balance will be credited to your bank account by end September
Accept by end-January (Semester 2) By early-February (Semester 2) Funds will be used to offset any outstanding fees. Any balance will be credited to your bank account by mid-February
Accept after mid-September (Semester 1) and after end-January (Semester 2)2 weeks after acceptanceFunds will be used to offset any outstanding fees. Any balance will be credited to your bank account, 4 to 6 weeks after acceptance
8NUS Bursary


Donated Bursary
Accept and fulfil terms and conditions* by early-September (Semester 1)By mid-September (Semester 1)Funds will be used to offset any outstanding fees. Any balance will be credited to your bank account by end September
Accept and fulfil terms and conditions* by end-January (Semester 2) By early-February (Semester 2) Funds will be used to offset any outstanding fees. Any balance will be credited to your bank account by mid-February
Accept and fulfil terms and conditions* after early September (Semester 1) and after end-January (Semester 2)2 weeks after fulfilling the terms and conditionsFunds will be used to offset any outstanding fees. Any balance will be credited to your bank account, 4 to 6 weeks after fulfilling the terms and conditions

& Funds credited will be reflected in student's bank account in 7 to 10 working days after the disbursement is reflected in Student Account in Education Records System

+ Refer to the Office of Financial Aid’s website for the exact deadlines.

* Refer to the Financial Aid Acceptance letter which you can access via the Applicant Portal.

Note that the date for funds disbursement may vary depending on satisfactory compliance with pre-conditions and documentary requirements. To avoid undue delays, all applicants should read carefully to ensure compliance with instructions and terms and conditions in the offer letter early. If you require urgent disbursement of your financial aid funds, approach our office for assistance.

Payment Sequence

The order of priority of payment by the various financial aid schemes for the payment of tuition fees and miscellaneous fees is shown below.

1.   Scholarship that covers 100% of tuition fee / MENDAKI Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy (TTFS)

2.   SkillsFuture Credit

3.   Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA) Scheme*

4.   CPF Education Loan Scheme (CELS)*

5.   MOE Study Loan (previously known as NUS Study Loan)*

6.   MOE Tuition Fee Loan (previously known as Tuition Fee Loan)*

7.   Bursaries#

8.   GIRO deduction from students' own account/other account/NETS/Others

* If your tuition fee is already covered by a scholarship/NUS Bursary/TTFS, schemes such as the PSEA, CELS, MOE TFL, and MOE Study Loan (Tuition Fee portion) will not be applicable and will suspended/withdrawn if you are an existing recipient.

# For Medicine/Dentistry students, the Higher Education Community Bursary/Higher Education Bursary will be used to offset your tuition fee first (before schemes number 3 to 6 above).

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