Application Process

Apply for Financial Aid

Applications for financial aid are open throughout the academic year. Apply within the below timelines to meet the various fees payment deadlines. Here is a quick overview of the application process.

For Full-time Undergraduates

Submit an online application for NUS-administered Financial Aid on the Applicant Portal
Upload all relevant supporting documents via the Undergraduate Financial Aid Portal
Check email and application status via the Applicant Portal regularly for requests of additional documents
Receive outcome of financial aid application via the Applicant Portal
Apply for additional financial aid after accepting admission offer
Sign MOE Study Loan and/or Student Assistance Loan agreement(s)
Receive financial aid funds before GIRO deduction

November to Admission Application Closing Date for prospective students

  • Apply for financial aid as soon as possible after you have applied for admission or latest by 1st April. For those who have a place reserved for future intakes, apply for financial aid in the year of your matriculation.
  • You should apply for Financial Aid if you require financial assistance to fund your study expenses and it is regardless of whether you have been offered admission to NUS, or you intend to apply for scholarships and/or other forms of financial assistance offered or administered by sources other than the NUS Office of Financial Aid.
  • For those who have read Internal Blended Learning Online Courses (iBLOCs) or Special Term courses, do not use your iBLOC or Special Term Course admission application number to apply for financial aid. Use only your full-time undergraduate admission application number to apply.

15 January to 1 April for existing students

Application for Financial Aid is open throughout the Academic Year (until end of Semester 2). Apply by 1 April for funds to be disbursed in time for tuition fee payment.

For applications received in Semester 2 (at the point of application), the financial aid package will be prorated accordingly.


Within two weeks of the online application

  • There will be a delay in the release of the application outcome if you submit the documents late. Hard copies of supporting documents are no longer accepted.

November to June

  • Check your email regularly to avoid missing notifications on your application outcome or requests for additional/missing documents.

From mid-May onwards for prospective students

From end-May onwards for existing students

  • Refer to our offer email and the Financial Aid Acceptance Guide for details on accepting the NUS Financial Aid Package offered.
MOE Tuition Fee Loan

By mid-July (Singapore citizen and Singapore Permanent Resident undergraduates)

By end-July (international students except those not in receipt of the Ministry of Education (MOE) Tuition Grant)

Central Provident Fund (CPF) Education Loan Scheme

By mid-July

  • Applicable to all interested Singapore citizen and Singapore Permanent Resident undergraduates except those not in receipt of MOE Tuition Grant

  • MENDAKI Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy

    By end-July

  • Applicable to all interested Singapore citizen Malay undergraduates

  • Post-Secondary Education Account Scheme (PSEA)

    By first week of August

  • Applicable to all interested Singapore citizen undergraduates who have PSEA
  • 6

    July to August

    • Applicable to all awardees of the respective schemes

    From 3rd week of September (semester 1) and from mid-February (semester 2)

    For Returning NS Men Reading Internal Blended Learning Online Courses (iBLOCs)/Special Term Courses

    You may apply for Financial Aid on the Applicant Portal with your undergraduate admission application number and PIN from your undergraduate admission application (DO NOT use your iBLOC/Special Term Course admission application number). You will also be automatically considered for Financial Aid for full-time undergraduates for Academic Year 2025/2026. Applications open from 1 November 2024 and close on 1 April 2025.

    For Part-time Undergraduates

    Singapore citizens undergraduates reading the Part-time programmes, Bachelor of Technology or Bachelor of Science (Nursing Practice) will be invited by their respective programme administrative office to apply for Financial Aid in mid-July (prospective and current students) for the upcoming Academic Year or mid-December (prospective students who are admitted in Semester two only). The package includes loans (repayable) and bursaries (non-repayable monetary awards) which cover tuition fees and a portion of living expenses. Students will be informed via email on the specific application period, after registration as an NUS student.

    Important Notes

    1. Apply by the indicated deadlines to ensure that funds are disbursed in time for tuition fee deduction via GIRO.

    2. Disbursement of funds depends on the satisfactory compliance of pre-conditions and documentary requirements.

    3. The date of funds disbursement may also vary depending on compliance with the terms and conditions of the various financial aid schemes.

    4. All fees due to the University will be deducted from all approved financial aid funds prior to crediting. More details on the disbursement of funds and the order of priority for payment of tuition fees and miscellaneous fees by the various financial aid schemes can be found at

    For Bachelor of Information Technology Undergraduates

    Singapore citizen undergraduates reading the Bachelor of Information Technology programme will be invited by the programme administrative office to apply for Financial Aid in mid-July (prospective and current students) for the upcoming Academic Year or mid-December (prospective students who are admitted in Semester two only). The package includes loans (repayable) and bursaries (non-repayable monetary awards) which cover tuition fees and a portion of living expenses. Students will be informed via email on the specific application period, after registration as an NUS student.

    Important Notes

    1. Apply by the indicated deadlines to ensure that funds are disbursed in time for tuition fee deduction via GIRO.

    2. Disbursement of funds depends on the satisfactory compliance of pre-conditions and documentary requirements.

    3. The date of funds disbursement may also vary depending on compliance with the terms and conditions of the various financial aid schemes.

    4. All fees due to the University will be deducted from all approved financial aid funds prior to crediting. More details on the disbursement of funds and the order of priority for payment of tuition fees and miscellaneous fees by the various financial aid schemes can be found at

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